It's already the middle of summer. Many have already visited the seashore, while others are just getting ready. But to know both about the dangers and benefits of tanning, about those surprises that the sun's rays can present, it is imperative. Fashionista will tell you how to sunbathe on the beach, under the summer sun, and at the same time not harm your skin and health in general.
On the beach while sunbathing, ultraviolet rays penetrate the body and destroy the collagen layer that keeps the skin smooth and firm.
The sun dries out the skin, especially its upper layers and, therefore, aggravates problems such as wrinkles and cellulite, resulting in dry skin. If tanning seems to destroy stretch marks, then it really isn't. Tanning just masks them well if you manage to tan evenly.
Moles do not like the sun. If you notice that they have somehow changed during tanning, you will have to consult a doctor. Therefore, there is no need to convince you that you need sunscreen, and for questionable moles, use a sunscreen waterproof pencil with an index of 30 or higher.
Dark spots. Yes, they most often appear during tanning, especially after the active absorption of the sun's rays by our body. You should know that sunbathing while taking some potent medications should be extremely careful. These medicines can cause the appearance of pigmentation, which means that the sun is contraindicated for you. Check with your doctor. Pigmented spots can appear from perfumes, as some of them contain ingredients that contribute to pigmentation, such as bergamot.
If all of the above was not used by you, and spots appeared, then this is your individual reaction to the sun's rays. Pigmentation often occurs on those areas of the body that are most exposed - arms, décolleté. If you don't like it, use sunscreen and light long-sleeved blouses.
People of the white race are not adapted to tolerate excess solar radiation. If you are in the age of 20+, then you have long since passed out of childhood. But what does our childhood have to do with it. And the fact is that excess sunlight received in childhood can lead to skin problems in adulthood. So take care of your boys and girls, use sunscreen waterproof baby cream. For them, it is advisable to use milk with a protection level of 30 - 45. Remember that a new sunscreen must be used for each season.
Some of us love to sunbathe and try our best. After all, summer vacation tan is so unstable and washed off quickly, as skin cells are renewed every 20 days. So it turns out that the biggest lovers of tanned skin try to tan literally in black. Most of these tanned girls and very mature women do not spare themselves, not only because of the desire to lie in the sun - to have fun, but also because various spots, red veins and other defects are masked on the skin with the help of tanning. But whenever we dream of a smooth and youthful skin, remember that skin needs “building materials”. Every day our skin needs those products that help remove toxins and toxins from the body - fruits, vegetables, rich in fiber and bran. Drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice every morning and eat 30-40g of bran with a salad.
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Vitamin C promotes the formation of collagen - the basis of connective tissue, which maintains skin elasticity, strengthens blood vessels.These are all citrus fruits, as well as currants, spinach, kiwi, cauliflower. You can take a course of treatment with vitamins A, C, E and group B before going to the sea.
Vitamins E - these are nuts, cold-pressed vegetable oil, eggs, milk. Vitamin E has the ability to protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight, and also stimulates the growth and renewal of skin cells.
Vitamin A also, like his two comrades, C and E, participates in the protection of the skin. It makes the skin elastic and also strengthens hair and nails. They are rich in pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, dairy products, eggs, butter, liver.
Vitamins A and E reinforce each other's action. Try for two to three months every morning in the morning as a salad to eat carrots seasoned with vegetable oil, and you will be pleased with your own reflection in the mirror and good health - bags under the eyes and fine wrinkles will decrease.
B vitamins moisturize the skin, strengthen the nervous system. These are greens, all legumes - they help to absorb moisture.
Vitamin D - fish products, seaweed, milk, eggs, helps to strengthen bones.
All of these vitamins will help keep your skin healthy and youthful. So if you have already grabbed enough UV radiation, sunbathing on the best beaches in the world, or are just about to, try to pay attention to the listed vitamins and foods that will help restore the effects of your summer vacation.
In addition to products, we recommend masks for face, hair and body.
Coconut mask for hair restoration.
Heat coconut oil (3 tablespoons) in a water bath. Combine oatmeal (1 tablespoon) with plain yogurt (2 tablespoons), mix, add oil and mix again. Apply the composition over the entire length of the hair. Leave the mask for 30-40 minutes, then wash off with warm water and shampoo.
Mask to prevent flaking and hyperpigmentation of the skin.
The basis of the mask is mango pulp. Stir the pulp of half a mango, three apricots and 200 ml of sour cream in a mixer until smooth. Apply the mask to the inflamed skin areas. Rinse off after 15 minutes. Then apply a moisturizer to your face.
Avocado eye mask.
The mask eliminates puffiness, "crow's feet", moisturizes and tones the skin of the eyelids.
Rub the flesh of one avocado through a strainer. Mix the avocado with two tablespoons of almond oil and half a teaspoon of glycerin and stir. Apply to the skin around the eyes along the massage lines. After 5-7 minutes, remove the mask with a cotton pad soaked in almond oil. This composition can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
Chocolate mask
Moisturizes the skin and maintains the tone of the resulting tan. Melt dark chocolate (400 grams) in a water bath. Rub two peaches and half a banana. Combine the resulting mixture with chocolate. Add 3 tablespoons of cream to the mixture, stirring constantly, in a thin stream. Cool to room temperature. And after showering, massage the composition onto damp skin. Leave on the body for 15 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.
Tanning has long been a symbol of success, an active lifestyle and luxury. But the chocolate shade will have to be answered. The incidence of skin cancer has increased. By their nature, people of the white race are not adapted to constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation. However, it is known that the sun's rays promote the synthesis of vitamin D in our body, with the help of which calcium and phosphorus are absorbed. The latter elements are needed for the strength of bones and muscle tissue. So you still need to sunbathe in the sun, the main thing is to sunbathe correctly so as not to turn into a black woman.
People taking antidepressants, tranquilizers, nonsteroidal pain relievers and antibiotics should not sunbathe, as these drugs increase the sensitivity of the skin to the sun's rays and can provoke allergies.
Do not sunbathe if you have a large number of moles, as the risk of skin cancer increases.
You can not sunbathe if you recently (less than six months ago) had an operation or removed a mole, as ultraviolet light slows down the healing process.
These were the basic rules and tips, using which you can really tan properly, and get the most out of the sun and minimize the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.