Women's shoes

High-heeled shoes and our health

Doctors have proven that a woman should walk no more than 3 km in high heels during the day, and then only if the shoe is comfortable enough.

How much time do you spend in high heels? Do you feel uncomfortable walking much more than 3 km during the day? Or is the appearance of shoes more important to you, and how you look in them, and how will all this affect your health, you are not interested?

High heels photo

I would like to hope that your health is not indifferent to you, because beauty cannot exist if health is lost. However, it is common for a person not to keep what he has, especially when it comes to health. Only when the pain makes us turn pale and moan, we go to the doctor, and we are horrified by the cost of the medicine that can help us. And sometimes, in more severe cases, this cost is no longer afraid, just to be cured.

Think about it while it is still so good and wonderful!

Photos of girls in high heels

For those who want to maintain their health, there are only a few rules to follow when choosing shoes.

• Buy multiple pairs of shoes — for work, for the street, for parties, for sports, for the home, and wear them alternately. You must always wear at least 5 pairs of shoes, of course, for a certain time of the year.

• If you wear high-heeled shoes at work, change into more practical shoes when going outside. Of course, this does not apply to those who have to walk or stand for a long time at work (hairdressers, salespeople, etc.).

• You should not wear high-heeled shoes at home - this is an additional burden on your feet.

• When choosing shoes with heels, give preference to models with stable heels 5–6 cm high. For a party or the theater, you can afford shoes with a heel height of 10–12 cm. However, you should not wear such shoes every day.

• When choosing sandals, make sure that the heel does not slide out.

• The best clog model will be the one that is as close to the front as possible. It is more comfortable.

• Shoes must be the right size for you. Shoes that are too loose and tight are harmful. Wearing such shoes will lead not only to rubbed heels or calluses, but also to poor posture. The legs will be very tired and swollen. And all this will provoke the development of cellulite.

• It is advisable to give preference to models made of natural materials: leather, suede, etc.

High-heeled shoes and our health

The impact of high heels on our health - infographic.
Increases by mouse click.

Many of us do not believe that high-heeled shoes can cause disease. However, listen to yourself, are there any pains in the knees or ankles, in the calf muscles or back, as well as swelling and cellulite? Unfortunately, all of these symptoms are not associated with the wearing of high-heeled shoes. But they can indicate serious diseases that develop gradually, over several years, and sometimes decades. This is varicose veins, and over time, the development of trophic ulcers and thrombophlebitis, deformation of the joints is possible. With an exacerbation of these diseases, the legs swell, so severe pain is felt that a person loses his ability to work. Your favorite shoes can cause musculoskeletal disorders or even injury, especially in winter.

Shoes with high heels, photo

Highest heels - photo

Shoes with high heels, photo

You will say that for the sake of beauty you can be patient, the main thing is that you look tall, slender, irresistible in them, to the envy of all your girlfriends. If you are going to dance for an hour or two at a party, then it's okay. But if you have to walk or stand for a long time, it is better to put on wedge and platform shoes. It is good if the sole is made of shock-absorbing material - rubber, cork.

And if you are already pestering shoes in your back, wear shoes with grooved soles or, after consulting an orthopedic surgeon, purchase special shoe liners that help distribute the same load on the entire foot.

One should always think about health. Therefore, when choosing new high-heeled shoes, think about where you are going to put them on and how long you will be in them.

Celebrities and heels, photo
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