Now many people say - you need to calmly and quickly part with old things! Why keep all the junk, and generally things that are likely to never be needed?
On the one hand, everything is true - getting rid of old things, we move forward, but it often happens like this - you throw away or give away some thing, and after a while, you realize that it or its elements could come in handy. For example, we throw out a jacket or coat, and then we realize that buttons could come in handy.
Fashionista does not call for storing really unnecessary things, but it has not prevented anyone from being thrifty and economic. Buttons do not take up much space, cut them off and put them in a box, they can come in handy.
Take a look at these bakelite buttons, they used to decorate different things. Those things are gone for a long time - something was torn into rags, something rotted in the barn, and the buttons look like new, despite their age. And age bakelite products already approaching a hundred years! Bakelite buttons are vintage buttons, which means they can do a good job when you are thinking of sewing something in a vintage style.
You can buy these buttons in antique shops and at the auction.