Many of us have favorite celebrities - movie stars, singers, or top models.
Someone adores Brigitte Bardot, others are crazy about Madonna, and young girls love Justin Bieber!
We now have a mass of stars and stars that shine until they go out. But most likely none of the living stars will be able to measure their fame with Queen Cleopatra!
Today is the birthday of this famous queen. Cleopatra was born on November 2, 69 BC, and her future was largely predetermined. Cleopatra VII ruled Egypt for 22 consecutive years in co-rule with her brothers, Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV, and then together with the Roman commander Mark Antony.
Cleopatra was the last independent queen of Egypt. After Queen Cleopatra, Egypt will never be a great state and over time it will lose its importance and wealth.
Maybe if Cleopatra had been a less passionate lover, and had a cold, calculating mind of the ruler, the story would have turned out differently, but everything happened as it happened, and Cleopatra committed suicide in order not to become a prisoner of the Roman emperor Octavian Augustus.
She lived for 38 years, lost her kingdom, what then is she remembered for? Maybe for the heavenly beauty that many attribute to Cleopatra? It is difficult to say how beautiful Cleopatra was. And then beauty is a very relative concept. In different eras and in different cultures, there have been and will be different ideals of beauty. has already done research on this topic here….
If not beauty, what is the queen famous for?
Cleopatra became famous for her extraordinary charm and art of seduction, with a bewitching voice and a bright mind, she perfectly used her abilities to charm the Roman commander Mark Antony. Their love story has inspired many writers and poets, artists and directors to create literary works, paintings and films. Thanks to their labors, Cleopatra has become one of the most famous women in history. The name of the queen, most likely, will never be forgotten.
And how Cleopatra looked, whether she was a real heavenly beauty, no one knows.
The true appearance of the Queen is not easy to discern due to the romantic halo surrounding her and numerous works of art. There are no reliable images that accurately, without idealization, would convey its physical appearance.
A damaged bust from Algeria, created after the death of Cleopatra on the occasion of the marriage of Cleopatra Selena, her daughter to Mark Antony, with the king of Mauritania Yuba, conveys the appearance of the Queen in her last years; although sometimes this bust is attributed to the daughter of Cleopatra.
Cleopatra is also credited with Hellenistic busts depicting young attractive women with typically Greek faces. But the persons from whom the bust was made are not precisely identified. It is believed that the busts depicting Cleopatra are kept in the Berlin Museum and the Vatican Museum, but these are nothing more than versions and speculations.
Although now some who call themselves scientists undertake to recreate an accurate portrait of the beautiful Cleopatra, using the commonwealth of modern technologies and historical heritage. Can you believe the received images?
You cannot trust the scientists who claim to have made an accurate reconstruction of the appearance of Queen Cleopatra. Such figures simply want to get PR and fame, using the fame of Cleopatra. Think for yourself - there are a lot of people around who call themselves scientists, while in their entire life they have not made a single worthwhile discovery.
For a man of science, a creative person, this is worse than death, because he is well aware that he will leave for another world without leaving anything behind, his name will be immediately forgotten even by colleagues at work, not to mention people who are far from their activities. Therefore, the scientist has no choice but to find a great character in history, for example, Queen Cleopatra, to conduct dubious research, at the end of which he declares to the world - I recreated the appearance of Cleopatra! You can only guess, because there were a lot of images of Cleopatra, and where the most reliable is difficult to say.
Even people living at the same time can give different descriptions of the same person, what then can we say about Queen Cleopatra, whose name was shrouded in mysticism and legends during her lifetime ...
Therefore, do not believe such scientists who make loud statements from scratch, they do everything - they predict the end of the world, global warming and global cooling, in general, they do everything to attract attention to themselves and knock out money by all means. And most importantly, upon closer examination of the personality of such scientists, it turns out that they are not scientists, but it is not clear who.
History is such a science that has many inaccuracies. For a long time, history has been remade for themselves - some kings are deified and made heroes, others want to be shown as true monsters. Those who were seriously interested in the history of Russia and the USSR know perfectly well how to distort history.
If the history of recent days can be distorted, then what about the events that took place 2,000 years ago? Therefore, we will never know what the real Queen Cleopatra looked like, we will know her from the legends and works of writers, artists, directors, each of whom brought a piece of his soul into the image of Cleopatra.