Fashion photo shoot for a cat

Photography and cats are two very popular hobbies that combine easily and pleasantly. Many people have a DSLR camera, or, at worst, an iPhone camera, and a cat lives at home. Given the hectic pace of life in modern humans, one can understand why people take photographs of seals so often. But taking the same type of photo in style - my cat is on the couch, my cat is on the windowsill, quickly gets bored.

Fashion photo shoot for a cat

In order not to abandon photography at all, you can decide to experiment. For example, make a fashionable photo shoot for a cat, dressing her up in glamorous clothes, or, in extreme cases, pulling tights over the cat.

Fashion photo shoot for a cat

Fashion photo shoot for a cat

Fashion photo shoot for a cat
Fashion photo shoot for a cat
Fashion photo shoot for a cat
Fashion photo shoot for a cat
Fashion photo shoot for a cat

And here you can see the famous Karl Lagerfeld's cat.

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