Fashion women clothes

A passion for fashion can change your life

Most people are dissatisfied with their appearance, social circle, job, apartment, and in general are secretly dissatisfied with their lives.

How to change your life - to become better and happier? Thousands of authors write thousands and thousands of books on this topic, offering many rules and principles. does not pretend to be a business coach and personal psychologist. I'll just tell you my example.

A passion for fashion can change your life

How fashion has changed my life
Initially, I was not interested in fashion, I was not obsessed with fashionable clothes, and was very calm about my wardrobe. Of course, I wanted to buy new beautiful things, but I didn't think about style and fashion in general. Simply put, I was an ordinary consumer, buying new things and cosmetics without clear principles.

Then there were changes in my life, I began to read a lot about fashion, culture and art, history, style and beauty. In addition to reading, I watched relevant feature films and documentaries, and attended exhibitions. In cases when it is unrealistic to visit an exhibition, I tried to find out everything, as much as possible, through the Internet.

Unbeknownst to me, I got carried away with fashion and made purchases more deliberately. Fashion has become my favorite hobby. Now I do not shop as a simple consumer, now it is something like art and cultural entertainment.

Gradually my social circle changed, my income level and my life in general changed. Now I am a different person, so I am sure that a passion for fashion can change your mood and social circle, your whole life, faster than anything else could.

A passion for fashion can change your life

Why did it happen, why did my life change? I thought about it and found the answer. Praising myself is not the best thing to do, but here we must admit that by studying the history of fashion and art, experimenting with images and communicating with enthusiastic people, I have become a more cultured and educated person. Simply put, it acquired a few qualities inherent in the aristocratic strata of society in pre-revolutionary Russia.

This is how fashion changed my life for the better, and someone says that fashion is not serious, fashion for frivolous girls ...

How to change your life with fashion and style
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