Fashionable accessories

Mittens made of mink, fox and other fur animals

If you have palm trees and beaches outside your window, you do not need fur mittens and even leather gloves, but if you live in Russia and bullfinches are chirping outside your window on a birch, then it's time to get fur mittens.

Fur mittens - how to choose fur mittens

Why mittens and why fur gloves, because you can get by with leather gloves?

Leather gloves a necessary accessory, you need to have more than one pair of them, but if you just like to walk on frosty winter days, show off and at the same time not freeze, it is better to choose fur mittens.

Fur mittens are the warmest, they best protect the skin of your hands from wind and frost, and, as you know, it is important to protect your hands, you will easily understand this if you look at the hands of women over 35 years old who did not take care of themselves, walked in winter without gloves and have done many other things that harm the skin.

Fur mittens - how to choose fur mittens

What fur mittens to choose
When purchasing fur mittens, you can choose mittens made from natural and artificial fur, or you can sew it yourself. If you know how to sew, that's great, but it's one thing to sew a dress, and another thing to work with fur. A special furrier sewing machine is required for sewing! If you undertake to sew mittens from fur by hand, armed with a sturdy needle and thread, most likely nothing good will come of it. In any business, practice and experience are required to obtain decent results. Therefore, before you get good mittens, you mess up a lot of fur.

fur mittens
Mink fur mittens, photo
fur mittens

It is much safer to buy or order fur mittens in an atelier, where experienced craftsmen have been working with fur and leather for many years. For sewing fur mittens, you can use pieces of fur, or you can use a spoiled fur coat, which is frayed in places and already looks poor.

Buying fur mittens
If you decide to buy fur mittens, choose mink mittens. When buying mittens made of mink, you need to pay attention to the quality of the fur and the peculiarity of sewing, namely, mittens are sewn from pieces or whole skins. Mink mittens, sewn from scraps, are less warm and durable, since they are made of low-quality fur, which have defects: bald patches, scuffs. Look at the quality of the seams, and how soft the fur is moving. Pay attention to the lining, it is desirable that it be made of natural material: silk, wool or cotton.

Choosing fur mittens
Fur mitts

Fur mittens fit almost any winter outfit and complement your look.

Only when putting on fur mittens should you remember where you are going today. If you need to run all day on business, take off and put on mittens several times, entering and leaving the office, store, lugging a bag of food in your hands, there is no need to put on mittens made of fur.

Mink mittens are perfect for walking and dating.

Photo above - mittens from deer fur, below - mink fur.
You can see other models and order here -

fur mittens
fur mittens
fur mittens - sable

In the photo there are sable fur mittens.

fur mittens - sable
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