Fashion world

Books about fashion, style, history of fashion and costume, gift editions

This publication will contain information about many books on fashion, art, modeling business, the history of costume and fashion, separately about gift editions and e-books.

Over time, the publication will be updated, because new books are constantly being published, so if you come here in 2-3 months, you can see something new.

Almost all the books that will be discussed are in my personal library, or at least once were borrowed from friends for reading or at least familiarization. Books in general in my life are of great importance, it so happened that even as a child, my mother was able to instill in me a love of knowledge and books, so since childhood I have in my house a lot of books on a variety of topics. Here I will share with you my take on fashion and style books. I will try to give advice, guided by which you can purchase books that are most useful for you, while saving finances.

In addition to the descriptions of the books, there will be direct links to the online store, where you can immediately buy the necessary publications. The online store is called OZON, it is known to most Internet users, because this is the oldest store and has existed, one might say, from the very beginning of the founding of the Russian-speaking Internet!

Why do I recommend buying fashion, style, costume history and gift books from the OZONE store? Because almost all of my books are bought in this store. It may not be the cheapest, and there are many online stores in the network where you can buy books a little cheaper. You can also buy books directly from the online stores of the publishing house itself, while saving 20-30%. The truth is
case, you will have to face a number of difficulties:

You will not be able to buy all the fashion and style books described here from one publisher.

You will have to register on many sites, create accounts, write down or remember passwords, etc.

In addition, not everyone has a convenient payment system, usually publishers offer to pay by bank transfer or mail. You will also receive books by mail. Have you been to the post office, sent and received packages, made payments? I had to use the services of the Russian Post many times. There are no particular complaints, I managed to get all the packages, nothing was lost, but almost always I had to stand in line. A queue for sending, a queue for receiving. A small queue in which you have to stand for 30-40 minutes, and maybe an hour.

The OZONE store relieves us of such "happiness" and makes it possible to get books through several options. Personally, I find it convenient to pick up books at the pick-up points. These points are all over Russia, in almost any city, and delivery even to distant cities costs mere pennies. This is also an important point! Books, especially albums, gift editions on coated paper have a significant weight. The parcel can weigh 5-6 kilograms, and if you use the services of the Russian Post, delivery will be more expensive, and at the OZON store, on the contrary, the more books you order, the cheaper. In addition, various promotions are held in the store from time to time, when a book can be purchased literally for 1 ruble. For example, I managed to buy several books for this promotion, the cost of which in a normal period is more than one hundred rubles. Therefore, by regularly going to the store, you can significantly save on the purchase of books.

Of course, many will object to me and say - I don't pay for books at all, I download everything on the Internet absolutely free of charge and I will never pay!

There is such a thing, a lot can really be found for free on the Internet, downloaded and read from the screen.Much, but not all. Books about fashion and style are often published in small editions and do not always fall into the hands of those who are not too lazy to scan them and put them in the public domain. You will not find the best, most interesting books. There is nothing to say about new books. And also think about such a moment as your health - vision. What will it be like to read books of 400-600 pages from a monitor screen? Will this reading please you? Somehow I'm not very good, I'd rather get a book than then go to an ophthalmologist and an optician to buy glasses ...

The last and most important thing - the desire for free, for freebies and deceptions, is always a place where various scammers want to warm up, wanting to profit from freebie seekers. I give a 100% guarantee that when you start looking for all the books about fashion I have described for free, you will repeatedly come across files containing viruses, and you will also come across trick forums - a generous user posted books about fashion on the network and gives you the opportunity use them for free. By clicking on the link, you will be asked to enter a phone number or send an SMS. Well, you yourself understand this is the standard protection against SPAM))) However, then several hundred rubles will disappear from your phone, or maybe they will slowly write off you, at 10-20 rubles a day, so that it looks invisible. And you may well find yourself in the role of a cow that is regularly milked. There is a desire?

Yes, and also, in conclusion, I want to say, after you enter the phone number, send an SMS, there is absolutely no guarantee that you will receive the book. There may well be an inscription - the file was not found.

I am writing this for a reason, but on the basis of many years of experience and knowledge. The knowledge that most of the special books published in small editions almost never fall into the hands of the creators of free libraries, and they have to make trick files.

Now, after such a detailed introduction, let's move on to the books themselves, which we will divide into categories, depending on the topic.

If you need books about fashion and style, containing everything at once, but superficially, so to speak, for beginners, then it is quite possible to purchase books - encyclopedias, they are also gift editions. Such books are very beautiful, large in size and, in addition to knowledge, can serve as a good interior decoration. Putting the book - album on your glass table, you can always invite guests to look through it, take them, and show that you are aware of all fashion trends.

Fashion books

book Fashion and style

One of the best books in terms of price-performance ratio. It examines the history of fashion, a little bit of everything, but enough for the overall development. A book on good paper, worthy of an illustration. Can be a great gift. In my opinion, a book of similar content and quality cannot be found for less money.

book Fashion Charlotte Sealing

If the previous book takes us far into the past, to palaces and castles, then this book on fashion by Charlotte Seeeling tells the history of fashion and style over the past 150 years. The book looks expensive at first glance, but if you see it in reality and still pick it up, doubts about its price will completely disappear. The FASHION book fully justifies its price. This is a huge album, a real deluxe edition on high-quality paper, with beautiful illustrations, weighing more than 4 kilograms! For initial acquaintance with the world of fashion, for interior decoration and a gift, this book is the best option.

Fashion History Exclusive Gift Edition

If you need to make a gift to a very respected person who has everything, and at the same time he or she is not indifferent to fashion - feel free to choose this book - Fashion History. The publication is very rich and will not leave anyone indifferent. The only drawback of the book is the high price. (I don't have this book, I only managed to look through it at a party)

Economy options for books on fashion history.

Fashion History Fashion and Fashion Designers

Fashion History book Fashion and Fashion Designers

Both books are significantly inferior to the previous editions in terms of execution and volume, but, accordingly, the price is significantly lower. In general, for an initial acquaintance with the world of fashion, these books are quite suitable.They can also be considered as gift editions for people far from the world of fashion, but not indifferent to it.

And here is a completely economical version of a book about fashion and style for a price equal to the cost of a carton of milk!

Her Majesty Fashion book

Despite the low price, this is a wonderful book, from it you can learn a lot not only about fashion, but also about Italy, the world of cinema and the modeling business. The author has traveled extensively and has written many books about fashion with love.

True, the execution of the book will disappoint many - yellow rough paper, very few simple illustrations. Suitable as a book for reading for a person interested in fashion, but as a gift and as an interior book is not at all suitable.

Alexander Vasiliev

I would also like to note the books about fashion and style from Alexander Vasiliev.
Alexander Vasiliev is known to many people, even to those who are not interested in fashion in any way. This is all thanks to his numerous TV shows, speeches, lectures and articles, as well as his manner of dressing and speaking.

Despite the authoritativeness and awareness of the author, serious knowledge cannot be obtained from the books of Alexander Vasiliev, but they are suitable for easy, entertaining and informative reading. Even the largest book can be read in 2-3 evenings, while you will learn a lot about the author himself. Alexander Vasiliev, to some extent, loves to engage in self-praise and self-admiration in his books, but all this with humor and without arrogance, so they are easy to read and leave a pleasant impression about the author, plus a little new knowledge about fashion and style.

Alexander Vasiliev has a lot of books, but I want to recommend only a few of them,
because, having bought everything at once, you may find that here and there, some information is repeated.

book I'm in fashion today

A good book, easy to read and interesting, but if you have read other books about fashion, then this book will be useful only if there is an interest in learning better than Alexander himself

Second book available for purchase

Fashion destinies Alexander Vasiliev

The third and, in my opinion, the most useful book - Beauty in Exile

Beauty in Exile Alexander Vasiliev

The book tells about Russian emigrants, fashion models of princely origin, and will be very useful to those who love the history of Russia and consider themselves a patriot of Russia. If you are interested in the history of the brands Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, you should not buy this book, you may be disappointed. True, more than once I had to be convinced that after starting to read this book, many people who were not interested in the history of fashion and did not like the history of Russia begin to read it with interest, discover many new horizons in their lives. For this, the books of Alexander Vasiliev are most useful, they instill patriotism, love and respect for Russian history and our culture.

The book is not cheap, but it is made with a very high quality, it has many unique illustrations that are not found anywhere else, and it fully justifies its cost. For everyone who is interested in Russia, the history of Russia and fashion, this book is a must-read.

If you want to expand your knowledge of fashion beyond the horizons provided by encyclopedias, take a look at the following books.

Books about fashion and style, fashion history are my choice.

Library of the Journal of Theory of Fashion, it is better to buy it all at once, and then thoughtfully read and discover new things from the world of fashion.

Empire's new dress

book Corset fashion theory

book Men in Black

FashionEast. The ghost that roamed Eastern Europe

book Gothic. Dark glamor

book Glamor by Stephen Gundl

Wrapped in dreams Fashion and modernity

The titles of the books speak for themselves in many ways and in general terms reveal the content. More details can be found on the OZONE website. I don't see it possible to write about each book in detail in this publication, because as a result, another book will be formed here, which will talk about books.

Fashion books - Couturier biographies and books on fashion brands.

The most beautiful publication about the fashion brand Louis Vuitton

100 luxury legends: Louis Vuitton

Dior's book on Dior.Autobiography

My Yves Saint Laurent Katya Pertsova

The Versace myth Minnie Castel

House Versace
Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel. Legend and life

book Lonely Chanel

book The Bad Chanel

Coco Chanel book

Mysterious Coco Chanel

Books about famous women, from which in many ways you can take an example, as well as reading their biographies, will plunge into the history of fashion and style.

Audrey Hepburn

Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis life story

book by Grace Kelly. How to be a princess

Irresistible women. Declaration of love

Still very good books on fashion history, absolutely trustworthy.
These books contain few illustrations, but the information in them is presented in a very accessible way and each of these books complements one another.Buying all 5 books can be the perfect solution for anyone looking to build their own small library of fashion history.

Secrets of Parisian fashion models

book Dressing era

My Shocking Life Elsa Schiaparelli

book The Wizards of Parisian Fashion

Haute Couture Jani Same
Fashion in the USSR

book Fashion in the USSR

Fashion business books

There are few books on fashion business in Russian, and the books do not fully reflect the fashion industry, especially its Russian reality. Fashion business in England is one thing, but Russia is not England, and it has its own peculiarities. However, if you are thinking of connecting your career with the fashion industry, these fashion business books will provide some basic knowledge and will definitely be helpful to get you started.

Fashion industry

Branding in luxury fashion

Visual merchandising

I see want Merchandising in the fashion world

Fashion business Theory, practice, phenomenon

Model books, model books, model biographies

Are you beautiful, young, and have a desire to try yourself in the modeling business? You can try, but you should immediately notice that the modeling business in Russia is not the same as the modeling business in Paris, Milan and New York. There are a lot of Russian modeling agencies, but there is not enough work for models in Russia for everyone, you have to look for various opportunities to earn money. Model schools at modeling agencies are one of the income items, while rarely in which school you will be given really useful knowledge, the knowledge that will be useful to you later in New York, if of course you can get there. There are two schools that you can trust, but this publication is about books, so I will tell you their names in another section, but here I will recommend books available in Russian. By the way - if you are not friends with English, I advise you to make friends and learn as soon as possible, otherwise your prospects in the modeling business are very vague.

Books about the modeling business are they needed at all? Most agree on the following opinion - it is better to study the modeling business in practice. True, a good book with theoretical knowledge, success stories, and useful advice will not hurt anyone. I only recommend good books.

The book on the history of the modeling business - Model
Model Michael Gross
The book is very voluminous and contains a lot of historical data, but the author examines the modeling business and the world of fashion in general in a gloomy color. If you take a sober look at the tragic fate of the heroines from this book, you can see that everyone got what they deserved - those who devoted time to work - received material benefits, respect and comfort, and those who used the given chance to receive momentary - primitive pleasures, such as parties with alcohol and drugs, sex - they can only blame themselves, and not the modeling business and the fashion world. The world of fashion and the modeling business is not particularly cruel, these are all stories. There is no more cruelty among models than in any other area where there is an opportunity to reach for fame, money and the sweets of life. Reach out in an instant! Many girls are dizzy with these opportunities, and they are given to them in full, and then, when life flew downhill, they cry - the world of fashion is so cruel ...

The world of fashion gives you a chance - use it and get it to the fullest, but do not lose your head, but always stay true to yourself, your principles, and most importantly, do not surrender to vices and passions, but firmly know what to want in life and how to get it. Leave passions and vices, pitiful emotions to weak individuals - armed with such principles, you will never say from the heart - the world of fashion is so cruel ..

More books about modeling business

Russian models
A good book, for example, with stories of successful top models of Russian origin.

Russian models Ekaterina Vasilieva

How to make a career in the modeling business. Professional advice - the whole truth and nothing but the truth

How to make a career in modeling

Podium. Modeling lessons

Podium Modeling lessons

Let's continue our excursion into the world of fashion books.
Why am I citing so many books as an example when I am referring to one single store where you can buy them all? Everything is very simple - in the OZONE store, according to them, there are about a million books! If you know the title of the book for sure, your friend advised you - you will go to the store and buy, but when the friend herself does not know what to advise, my list will come in handy. All the best books are covered here. Everything is in one place and the most important thing is that the information is periodically updated.

Few books about style

Fashion. Colour. Style

book Fashion. Colour. Style

Harper's Bazaar. Great style

Harpers Bazaar Great style

Elegance. The ABC of Good Taste

Elegance The ABC of Good Taste Genevieve Antoine Dario

Dandy: fashion, literature, lifestyle

Dandy fashion, literature, lifestyle Olga Vainshtein

Sex and the city

Sex and the City Amy Son

Book Christian Dior Fashion Dictionary

The book was published many years ago, but has not lost its relevance, while it is very simple and accessible, it can be a wonderful gift for a girl.

Christian Dior Fashion Dictionary

Perfume books

From my own experience I know that most of those who love fashion also love fragrances. There are few books on the topic of perfumery in Russian. At various times, about two dozen books were published, but now they are available only in second-hand bookstores, and few can be found in ordinary stores.

If you just want to gain general knowledge on the topic of perfumery, make an impression in a good society and not look dark - get an encyclopedia book, which at the same time is suitable for the role of a gift edition - the book Fragrances of the World

Book Flavors of the World has good performance, quality paper, large format and the content will not disappoint you. You can buy for yourself or as a gift.

Flavors of the World

If you want to get to know the world of fragrances a little deeper, take a look at the following books on perfumery - Fragrances and Smells in Culture.

The book Fragrances and Smells in Culture by Olga Weinstein is the best edition on perfumery in Russian. Book in two volumes

Flavors and odors in culture volume 1

Flavors and odors in culture volume 2

Aromas and smells in culture Olga Vainshtein

Talking about books, I often had to flaunt my opinion, which may seem biased to someone. I apologize if my opinion has hurt or offended someone, but without a personal assessment, personal impression, the story about the books would be incomplete.

This is not the end…


Real life outside of the Internet is in full swing, days and months pass by, forming into years - the story continues, which means there will be new books and, accordingly, updates in the Magazine.

The Brightest Wishes

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