How to quit drinking beer and other alcohol for the sake of beauty

Greetings to you, my dear friends and readers! Today I want to touch on a topic that seemingly stands aside from fashion and beauty, but in reality they are strongly interconnected.

On the one hand, the pursuit of fashion and beauty leads us to various parties and teaches us to live life to the fullest, to have beautiful entertainment, without denying ourselves good alcoholic drinks, exquisite alcoholic cocktails, and on the other hand, all these entertainments take away our beauty and health.

How to find balance and combine a beautiful life, entertainment, and at the same time live as long as possible, remaining young, beautiful and happy? Is it possible at all?

I want to upset you - get all the fun and at the same time it is impossible to live a long life while preserving beauty. Although not all bad, the fact is that some pleasures are not necessary for a full and happy life, they are false pleasures. Alcoholic drinks are one of such false pleasures, without which one can live well, because the life of a modern person can be rich in a variety of impressions. Therefore, today I will tell you about my personal experience of acquaintance with alcohol and further struggle with it for the sake of beauty and health, in other words, I will share a secret - how to quit drinking beer and other alcohol without coding and healers.

Girls and alcohol

I have an incredible amount of entertainment opportunities in my life. Starting from the age of 13, cheerful companies formed around me, and by the age of 20 I was surrounded by successful people who have a lot of time and money, thanks to which any clubs and restaurants have become my everyday life. In such an environment it was incredibly difficult to resist the temptation, but I succeeded, while others did not cope, and now many of them do not look in the mirror, but are in the cemetery, due to their excessive enthusiasm for entertainment ...

It turns out that it is necessary to quit drinking alcohol not only for the sake of beauty, but also for the sake of life itself. In Russia, this is especially true, because Russians were corrupted by the 90s, a time of permissiveness, when many became addicted to beer and other alcohol.

How to stop drinking beer and other alcohol for the sake of beauty and life itself?

I had to observe a lot of different destinies, and many attempts by people to quit drinking alcohol. The result of my observations is disappointing, almost no one succeeded. At the very end of the post, you will find an answer to why this happens, but try to read all this long text.

I don't know many people who quit drinking, and more than 20 years have passed.

Are you surprised? Yes, it is after 20 years of abstinence from alcohol that one can summarize preliminary results and draw conclusions about what a person has done. Dozens of stories happened before my eyes, when a person quit drinking alcohol (no matter a girl or a man), began a healthy lifestyle, passed a year or two or even 5 years ...

Girls and alcohol

After such a long time, people gain strength, feel confident, and essentially lead a new life. But, all people (almost all) want communication and entertainment with friends and acquaintances in companies.

At first, a person who wants to quit drinking avoids festive feasts and hurries home, but then a period of despondency sets in, you want to talk to someone, not drink, but just talk in a relaxed atmosphere. I would like to go shopping, go to a cafe or restaurant, but in my subconscious mind it is written that relaxing with friends, sitting in a restaurant is necessarily a pleasure associated with alcoholic cocktails or beer.

Time passes, and a person who has given up drinking, it seems that now it will be possible to drink a little - purely to maintain cultural communication at the festive table, because sitting at the table without alcohol is boring and you will not sit out for a long time.

The main danger lies in wait here! Addiction to alcohol has not gone anywhere, it is forever with you and even after 20 years it wakes up easily and quickly. Enough 1-3 events with alcohol and you are already back in the same place where you left a few years ago. Once again, you are drawn to a noisy fun party, again you want to take the phone and dial your best girlfriends and friends, go to have fun with them, like in the good old days.

Girls and alcohol

Only there is nothing good in these entertainments. The entire text is aimed at all girls, and those who are aware of the dependence on alcohol and those who think that they know how to drink culturally and a couple of cocktails will not harm them in life. Alcohol brings only one harm, there is no benefit from it, learn to have fun and enjoy yourself without alcohol. Alcohol will not make you prettier or more confident.

Twenty times I have seen girls who, coming to the club or even to the club, drink a little whiskey or brandy in order to relax and feel more confident. Assessing their life as a whole, I do not see anything that alcohol was given to them. In truth, alcohol does not give us anything, it only takes away - health, beauty and years of life.

How to quit drinking alcohol for the sake of beauty

So how to stop drinking beer and any other alcohol?

If you haven't started drinking yet, don't start. Alcohol won't add courage knowledge and beauty.

For those who have already become addicted, I will give some advice, developed based on the observation of many different people.

Do not resort to coding and various healers - this is all in fact sheer nonsense that does not work! Just don't drink alcohol next Friday and weekend, and then ...

1. Find what you love to do in life. Ideally, this should be a job that brings money and pleasure at the same time. If that's not possible, find a hobby that you can use to connect with like-minded people.

2. Get carried away with a healthy lifestyle, cleanse your body with natural remedies, devote some time to fitness, just don't get fanatic! Everything is good in moderation.

3. Avoid long meals. If a holiday is planned, where you need to come, but everyone will drink alcohol there, you need to come, talk, eat all the delicious things, and then leave unnoticed. In any case, after drinking alcohol, most people are useless interlocutors, and tomorrow they will not even remember when you came and left.

4. Acquaintances who do not understand life without drinking alcohol should be deleted from life. It may seem difficult, but in fact, such girlfriends and friends do not bring anything good into our lives. At first it will be boring sometimes, and then you will find new acquaintances through your hobbies.

5. A strong desire to drink can pursue several months, but then it weakens and disappears. Just do not forget, it has not gone anywhere, if you had an alcohol addiction, it remained for the rest of your life. Once you quit drinking once, never indulge yourself in your life. Just one glass of beer will return you to the state from which you left, regardless of the fact that many years have passed!

How to quit drinking alcohol for the sake of beauty

The last point is especially important! In fact, it is not difficult to quit drinking, and almost all alcoholics quit, but then, over time, they think - what will happen if I drink a couple of small glasses of expensive wine? Nothing will happen, but this will be the first step. Then there will be a new event, you will drink 2 more glasses of wine, and then another, and everything will be repeated. In some cases, it is even worse, depending on the characteristics of the body, some people after 5 years of abstinence began to drink, thinking to take a couple of sips of an expensive drink, but could not stop and drank until they lost consciousness.

You need to understand that alcohol is a very serious problem, it is an evil that destroys your life. Even if your job is such that alcohol does not interfere with earning money, it still destroys health, beauty and each time it eats off a piece, years of your life.Only when you firmly decide that alcohol is not entertainment or pleasure, but the enemy of the whole human race, and you can never touch it, then you can defeat it.

But do not forget, the spirit of alcohol, hidden in beautiful bottles, never gives up while you live, until the very last day it will be there if you relax and forget the key word - never! Everything will be repeated over and over again, until the tombstone sums up this struggle.

The problem and treatment of female alcoholism on video.

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