Beautiful girls

Girls in military uniform and military service for girls

More recently, in the 90s and 2000s, military service was a dubious life choice. Even a male officer was perceived ambiguously. On the one hand, the military should be associated with courage and strength, and on the other hand, the Russian military became a laughing stock in the eyes of girls, because even a major or a colonel received a meager salary, while carrying out strange orders from the leadership. There were many unreasonable orders, let us recall the war in Chechnya, where Soviet servicemen became consumables in the game of politicians and entrepreneurs who earn money in the war and want to reshape Russia according to their own understanding.

As a result of this state of affairs, the Russian military in the minds of young girls began to be associated with a loser, from whom one must stay away.

Much has changed in recent years; today, service in the Russian army is becoming more and more prestigious. Therefore, not only young men, but also girls turn their gaze towards the army. Although everyone has different requests and views on life, but my opinion is that it is better for a girl to serve in the army and wear a beautiful military uniform than to work as a waitress - a dishwasher in a barbecue or sell some kind of nonsense in the markets. And if you look more deeply, today even an ordinary job in an office with an average salary is in many ways inferior to serving in the army.

The salaries of military personnel are higher, there is an opportunity to solve the housing problem and, most importantly, military personnel retire much earlier. Of course, a rare girl in 18-20 years old thinks about such a distant future, but believe me, this future is not so distant, you will not have time to look back, as you will be under 40, and you will have to wear a uniform for a few more years, and in the office you will have to plow and plow, while serving in the army is more stable than working in commercial organizations.

Girl in military uniform and military service for girls

I have met many beautiful girls who are engaged in all sorts of nonsense in life, work for a penny, constantly change their place of work and so their life goes on. It would be better if they wore military uniforms ...

Girls in military uniform and military service for girls

Looking through photos of these girls in military uniforms of different armies, I catch myself thinking, they are not bad at all, or rather they look good. The military uniform suits girls, because it is not for nothing that the military style does not lose popularity.

Girl in military uniform and military service for girls

For clarity, here are photos of girls in military uniforms from different countries and different armies.

Girls in military uniform and military service for girls

Austrian army

Girl in a military uniform of the Belgian army

Girl in military uniform serving in the army

Girl in military uniform serving in the army
Chinese army
Girl in military uniform serving in the army
Czech Republic


Finnish army girl


Indian military uniform for girls


Photos of beautiful girls in military uniform


Photo japanese girl in military uniform

Photo of a girl in military uniform
Photo of a girl in military uniform
Photo of a girl in military uniform

Photo of a girl in military uniform
Photo of a girl in military uniform
Girl in military uniform serving in the army
Girl in military uniform serving in the army
Girl in military uniform serving in the army
South Korea
Photo of a girl in military uniform
Photo of a girl in military uniform
Photos of beautiful girls in military uniform


Girl in military uniform serving in the army
Girl in military uniform serving in the army


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