Cosmetic serum - serum, which translated from English means - "concentrate". Serums solve skin problems much faster and more successfully than creams, since they contain about 10 times more biologically active substances than creams. Typically, each whey contains 7-8 components.
It is technologically difficult to create a whey composition.
Cosmetic serums are produced on an oil or water basis. For winter and spring skin care, it is better to use an oil-based serum, and for summer and autumn skin care, use a water-based serum.
Cosmetic serums provide a quick anti-aging effect. In order to use the serum correctly - to choose the appropriate one and undergo a course of treatment, it is necessary to consult with a beautician. After all, most of them are designed for a certain age and for certain skin problems. Very young girls need the greatest care, since using the serum, the skin will later have difficulty reacting to lighter creams, which at a young age could also help solve some problems.
However, for those who decide on a quick rejuvenation effect, it is recommended to use the serum in courses, otherwise addiction can occur here, that is, the skin will be oversaturated with active substances and stop responding to them. Most serums contain a fairly high concentration of fruit acids, and they also contain components that enhance the intensity of penetration, which makes the skin more permeable. Thanks to this, the active ingredients of the serum penetrate deep into the skin and begin to have the beneficial effect that we expect from it.
Which serum should you choose? It depends on the skin problem. You may need moisturizing or nourishing serums, or anti-stress or anti-inflammatory serums. There are serums for removing pigmentation or rosacea, as well as those that fight skin imperfections. In any case, you need to focus on your age and skin problems... It is necessary to choose the right serum, since the wrong choice at best simply will not help, and at worst it will harm. This should be especially noted for those with sensitive skin. Such skin has a weakened protective barrier and a fairly high permeability. Therefore, the reaction can be expressed in the form of redness or inflammation.
If you decide to use a serum and have made your choice, then you should apply it once or twice a day (morning and evening). The duration of the course is 10-15 days. However, remember to use your anti-aging cream daily. There are serums that are best used with a cream from the same cosmetic line. The result will be more efficient. Usually the cream is applied a few minutes after using the concentrate. In addition to the fact that these two products enhance the action of each other, the cream creates a protective layer that prevents the evaporation of the serum. This course of treatment can be done 3-4 times a year.
1. Intensive Rejuvenating Serum - Cellular Elixir 365 from Lancaster
2. Serum - corrector of age spots Idealia Pro from Vichy
3. Raspberry Recovery Serum from June Jacobs.
4. Highly effective broad-spectrum serum Phloretin CF from Skin Ceuticals.
5. Serum Repairwear Laser Focus Wrinkle & UV damage Corrector from Clinique.
6. Revitalizing face elixir - Power over time from Oriflame.
7. Moisturizing face serum - Vitamin E from The Body Shop.
8. Serum roll-on lift face lifting serum from Sephora.
9. Serum-concentrate of youth Regenerist from Olay with complexes of amino-peptides.
10. Anti-aging renewing serum Pro-Beauty Cell-Care from Ciel with hyaluronic acid.