
What determines the color of a person's eyes?

Eye color matters a lot in a girl's life, even if we don't think about it. Very often clothing, accessories and makeup are matched directly to the color of the eyes, not to mention the fact that due to existing stereotypes, we, to some extent, make up our initial opinion about a person, taking into account the color of his eyes.

Therefore, when special lenses appeared that change the color of the eyes, many girls rushed to acquire them in order to create images with different eye colors. And besides the lenses, Photoshop helps us, with its help you can achieve any color, but unfortunately this is displayed only on the monitor screen and photos.

Beautiful eyes

What determines the real color of a person's eyes? Why do some have blue eyes, others green, and some can even boast of purple?

Human eye color, or rather the color of the iris, depends on 2 factors:

1. The density of the fibers of the iris.
2. Distribution of melanin pigment in the layers of the iris.

Melanin is a pigment that determines the color of human skin and hair. The more melanin, the darker the skin and hair. In the iris of the eye, melanin ranges from yellow to brown and black. In this case, the back layer of the iris is always black, with the exception of albinos.

Yellow, brown, black, where then blue, green eyes? Let's take a look at this phenomenon ...

Beautiful eyes

Blue eyes
The blue color is obtained due to the low density of the fibers of the outer layer of the iris and the low content of melanin. In this case, low-frequency light is absorbed by the back layer, and high-frequency light is reflected from it, so the eyes are blue. The lower the fiber density of the outer layer, the richer the blue eye color.

Blue eyes
A blue color is obtained if the fibers of the outer layer of the iris are denser than in the case of blue eyes, and are whitish or grayish in color. The higher the density of the fibers, the lighter the color.

Blue and blue eyes are most common among the population of northern Europe. For example, in Estonia up to 99% of the population had this eye color, and in Germany 75%. Only taking into account modern realities, this alignment will not last long, because more and more residents from Asian and African countries are striving to move to Europe.

Blue eyes, baby photo

Blue eye color in babies
There is an opinion that all children are born blue-eyed, and then the color changes. This is a wrong opinion. In fact, many babies are actually born light-eyed, and subsequently, as they actively produce melanin, their eyes become darker and the final eye color is established by two or three years.

Grey colour it turns out like blue, only in this case the density of the fibers of the outer layer is even higher and their shade is closer to gray. If the density of the fibers is not so high, then the color of the eyes will be gray-blue. In addition, the presence of melanin or other substances gives a slight yellow or brownish impurity.

Girl with green eyes, photo

Green eyes
This eye color is most often attributed to witches and witches, and therefore green-eyed girls are sometimes treated with suspicion. Only green eyes are obtained not due to witchcraft, but due to a small amount of melanin.

In green-eyed girls, yellow or light brown pigment is distributed in the outer layer of the iris. And as a result of scattering in blue or cyan, green is obtained. The color of the iris is usually uneven, and there are many different shades of green.

Pure green eyes are extremely rare, no more than two percent of people can boast of green eyes. They can be found in humans in northern and central Europe and sometimes in southern Europe.In women, green eyes are much more common than in men, which played a role in attributing this eye color to witches.

What determines the color of human eyes

Amber eyes have a monotonous light brown color, sometimes with a yellowish-green or reddish tint. Their color can also be close to marsh or golden, which is due to the presence of lipofuscin pigment.

Swamp eye color (aka hazel or beer) is a mixed color. Depending on the lighting, it can appear golden, brown-green, brown, light brown with a yellow-green tint. In the outer layer of the iris, the melanin content is quite moderate, so the swamp color is the result of a combination of brown and blue or light blue. Yellow pigments may also be present. In contrast to the amber color of the eyes, in this case the color is not monotonous, but rather heterogeneous.

Girl's brown eyes

Brown eyes
Brown eye color results from the fact that the outer layer of the iris contains a lot of melanin, so it absorbs both high-frequency and low-frequency light, and the reflected light gives brown. The more melanin, the darker and richer the eye color.

Brown eye color is the most common in the world. And in our life this way - of which there is a lot - is less valued, therefore brown-eyed girls sometimes envy those to whom nature has given green or blue eyes. Just take your time to be offended by nature, brown eyes are one of the most adapted to the sun!

Black eyes
The black eye color is inherently dark brown, but the concentration of melanin in the iris is so high that the light incident on it is almost completely absorbed.

What determines the color of human eyes

Red eyes
Yes, there are such eyes and not only in the cinema vampires and ghouls, but also in reality! Red or pinkish eye color is found only in albinos. This color is associated with the absence of melanin in the iris, so the color is formed on the basis of blood circulating in the vessels of the iris. In some rare cases, the red color of the blood, mixing with the blue, gives a slight purple hue.

What determines the color of human eyes

Purple eyes!
The most unusual and rare eye color is deep purple. This is extremely rare, perhaps only a few people on earth have a similar eye color, therefore this phenomenon has been little studied, and on this score there are different versions and myths that go far into the depths of the centuries. But most likely, purple eyes do not give their owner any superpowers.

Eyes of different colors

Eyes of different colors
This phenomenon is called heterochromia, which translated from Greek means “different color”. The reason for this feature is the different amount of melanin in the irises of the eye. There is complete heterochromia - when one eye is of one color, the other is of a different color, and partial - when parts of the iris of one eye are of different colors.

Unusual eye color

Can eye color change over the course of life?
Within one color group, the color can change depending on lighting, clothing, makeup, even mood. In general, with age, the eyes of most people brighten, losing their original bright color.

Girl's brown eyes
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