
Homemade infused aromatic oils

As you know, essential oils are not only used in perfumery, but also in cosmetics, medicine and aromatherapy. In the latter case, essential oils are used in massage, baths, inhalation. They are well absorbed through the skin. Inhaling essential oils, even if they are used as an external remedy, in which case their effect on a person is beneficial. The aroma of oils has an effective effect on the brain and the entire body as a whole, and through the lungs they enter the bloodstream.

Infused aromatic oils are different from essential oils... What is the difference between them? Infused aromatic oils are obtained by infusing flowers, stems or leaves in vegetable oil, while essential oils are extracted from the plant by various methods, without adding anything to them. Their properties are not the same. The aroma of infused oils cannot be the same strength as essential oils. In the process of infusion, infused oils also absorb those plant substances that do not contain essential oils.

In ancient Greece, olive oil was used to obtain infused oil, which was abundant there. This is how aromatic oils were obtained, which were used both in medicine and in cosmetics. This method was used for many centuries, until the distillation method appeared.

Infused aromatic oils

How was it done?
Plant material - leaves, flowers or stems were placed in a container with vegetable oil. All this was stored in a warm place for two to three weeks, until the leaves turned brown. Then they were removed and replaced with new, fresh ones. And so, while the base oil is saturated with the smell of plant material. The container in which the oil and petals were placed was an ordinary pot with a wide mouth. In southern countries, the pots were left in the sun until the process was completed. In more northern countries, it is more difficult. Some put the pot in a pan of water and heat it up. But the infusion process should not be short-lived, in this case the oil turns out worse. And yet, the method of infusion is quite simple in our home conditions. An excellent massage oil can be obtained at the lowest cost if you have your own beautiful flower garden.

Infused aromatic oils

How to make aromatic oil yourself?
Take a large, clean, wide-necked jar (you can use a ceramic pot with a lid) and fill it 1/3 full with plant material. Now fill almost to the top with grape seed oil or almond oil, you can sesame, olive or sunflower. Close tightly so that there is no contact with air, otherwise the oil may turn rancid. Place the flask in a warm place, preferably in the sun if the weather is hot. It is better to use a container that is not transparent. At night, when there is no sun, you can bring it into the house. When the petals turn brown, remove them with a strainer that goes through the neck of the container and put in a fresh batch. So you need to repeat 2-3 times, you can also four. When the oil has absorbed the essential oils, remove the last remnants of the petals and pour the oil into bottles, close tightly. Without access to air, in a dark place, oil can be stored for several months. Use for massage.

Infused oils can be prepared from those plants about which you know that they are used in medicine, and you know for sure that you will not have allergies, then you can try. But first, consult your doctor. Infused oils, made by yourself or bought from a pharmacy, can be used in blends for massage or adding 3-10% infused oil to the base oil.

Homemade infused aromatic oils

Here are some examples of preparing infused oil.
St. John's wort oil. It is used in the treatment of skin diseases, wounds, abscesses, burns.This oil has several methods of preparation, including quick methods. It can be prepared not only from fresh flowers and leaves, but also from dry ones. Take a piece of dry herb (you can buy it at a pharmacy), fill it with 5 parts of sunflower oil, put it in a water bath, then set aside and let it stand overnight. Strain the finished oil. Or so - part of the dried flowers of St. John's wort, mix 2 parts of sunflower oil, close the lid and leave for 3 weeks. Then strain. The oil is ready.

Calendula oil. It is used in the treatment of skin diseases and to make the skin soft.

Take 2 tablespoons of chopped flowers, pour a glass of olive or sunflower oil, close the lid, let it brew for 2-3 weeks in a dark place. Strain. The oil is ready. Store in a dark place in a container with a closed lid.

Basket with fresh oranges

Orange oil - good antiseptic, uplifting, works well against cellulite. This oil is found in many anti-cellulite creams and lowers blood pressure. The oil contains many vitamins.

How to make orange oil?
Take fresh orange peels, chop them into small pieces, put them in a jar, fill with vegetable oil so that the oil covers the peels above one centimeter. Close the lid, put in a dark place for 3 days, after which the infused oil must be put in a water bath for 30 minutes. When the oil has cooled, strain and squeeze out the crusts. The oil is ready. You can also make tangerine or lemon. But lemon quickly deteriorates.

Attention! When steaming in a water bath, the lid must not be closed tightly, only slightly, otherwise it may explode.

Peppermint oil - a good sedative, helps with nervous disorders, loss of strength. Put part of the dry herb in a clay pot or glass jar, fill with vegetable oil (1: 5), mix, close tightly, leave in a dark place for 3 weeks. Strain. The oil is ready.

Rosehip garden, photo

Rosehip oil. Take 1 part fresh rose hips and cover with 3 parts of any vegetable oil. You can insist for about 10 days.

Burdock root oil. The easiest recipe. Take 50 grams of dry burdock root, finely chop, pour in 100 g of olive oil. Close the lid and let it brew for 10 days. Strain, the butter is ready. This oil can be used to treat hair. An hour before washing, they lubricate the hair with this oil, close it with a plastic scarf, then you can wash it off, while you need shampoo, since the oil is quite oily. Hair will grow well, become thick and silky.

To take as much nutrients from the burdock as possible, after 10 days, boil the oil for 15 - 20 minutes over low heat. After the oil has cooled, strain.

As you can see, the methods for preparing infused oils are somewhat different, but they are all simple. Many oils can be made in similar ways, for example, lemon balm oil, peach oil, carrot oil. It is very difficult to make rose oil at home, although the method of its preparation is described in the novel by Patrick Suskind "Perfumer". Some oils cannot be made at home. Such plants require a whole laboratory. You cannot make grapefruit oil, fir oil, menthol oil and many others. In such cases, it is better to use a pharmacy or specialty store. You should not risk your health.

Before making an infused oil, you must answer yourself two questions:

1) will you have allergies?
2) is it possible to make infused oil from this plant at home and how?

It is better to store oils not in plastic, but in glass bottles, made of dark glass, with closed lids, away from children.

Do-it-yourself infused aromatic oils at home
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