It is difficult to find a person who sincerely does not like gold jewelry and this royal metal in general. From time immemorial, gold has attracted people with its brilliance. Gold owns the minds and souls of millions and millions of people.
Gold is soft, malleable and at the same time very persistent, neither sea water nor most acids can harm pure gold, it is above all this. But pure gold is rarely used in the jewelry industry. It is more practical to use gold with additions of other metals, as a result of which we obtain gold samples 585, 750 and others.
By alloying gold with different metals, jewelers get products of different colors. You can find green, red, white and, of course, yellow gold, all kinds of shades you will not see when looking at jewelry. And the world of fashion also offers us its gold - dresses of various gold shades.
In the season spring-summer 2024 gold can be seen in many collections. Designers offer gold skirts, pants, tops, gold bags, shoes and of course gold dresses. It is the dresses that pays the most attention to, because the dress is very beautiful, comfortable, practical - the dress allows you to quickly assemble a feminine seductive image.
In the photo, we can see gold dresses in different shades and varying degrees of shine.
Gold dresses spring-summer 2024