Beautiful dresses

Kristen Stewart Dresses

Kristen Stewart became famous thanks to the vampire "The Twilight Saga", and together with her personal fame, she glorified vampires. Of course, vampires were popular and became heroes of films and books long before the birth of Kristen Stewart, but thanks to Twilight, the vampire theme captured the minds of the younger generation with renewed vigor, because vampires in movies are so mysterious, beautiful and romantic ...

Kristen Stewart's black dress

Vampires in movies and in real life
Vampire girls love beautiful dresses, preferring dresses in black, red, in gothic or victorian style... Vampire dresses are made of quality fabrics, decorated with pearls and red stones, gold and silver threads, lace and embroidery. But all this is just a fantasy made-up image. Real vampires never existed.

Kristen Stewart's black dress

Photos of the best dresses by Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart's black dress

In 17th century Europe, there were only superstitions, when there were a number of signs by which a vampire was calculated. Usually, suspicion fell on a seriously ill person who soon died. Ignorant Europeans of the 17th century believed that after death this person would turn into a vampire and would periodically rise from the grave in order to attack the living and drink their blood. Therefore, superstitious people opened graves, drove stakes into the chest of the deceased, chopped off their heads and sometimes burned bodies.

These are the ridiculous customs that existed in 17th century Europe, despite Oxford, the Sorbonne and other universities.

And then, the authorities instructed one scientist to understand the phenomenon of vampires, and he, after conducting research, proved that vampires appear where ignorance rules. From that moment on, the ban on fighting vampires came into force. For the opening of graves and the burning of "vampires" began to be punished.

Despite this, the topic of vampires has not died, it continues to live on the pages of books, in the cinema and, most importantly, in the thoughts of people, because a person cannot live, being limited only by this material world. I would like to believe in the existence of another world, which is larger and stronger than ours. This other world actually exists, but this is a completely different story, let's get back to Kristen Stewart and her dresses, see if they are up to vampire standards.

Short dress, photo

Actress Kristen Stewart Dresses

Floor-length evening dress

The future actress was born in Los Angeles on April 9, 1990, in the family of assistant director and producer John Stewart and script editor Jules Mann-Stewart.

As a child, Kristen was sure that she would follow in the footsteps of her parents and become a screenwriter or director, while she did not imagine herself in front of the camera. But everything turned out differently, and since the age of 9 little Kristen tries herself as an actress.

An interesting fact - Kristen attended school until the 7th grade, and then, due to her employment in the cinema, she studied at home. Filming from childhood in films, having many fans and not going to school is not life, but the dream of any girl!

Kristen Stewart dress
Kristen Stewart dress

Short black dress, photo

Kristen Stewart dress
Kristen Stewart dress
Kristen Stewart dress

Short black dress, photo
Short black dress, photo

Kristen Stewart dress

Kristen Stewart short dress
Short black dress, photo
Kristen Stewart short dress

Kristen Stewart short dress
Kristen Stewart short dress
Short white dress
Short black dress, photo

Short white dress
Kristen Stewart dress
Kristen Stewart dress
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