
Skin biorhythms

When we say that when choosing a cream and other cosmetic products you need to know your skin type, this does not cause any questions. But it turns out that you still need to know well the biorhythms of your skin. What is it - skin biorhythms?

The biorhythms of the skin or the biological clock of our skin. Our skin lives according to its internal biological clock. And therefore you need to know about this in order to use all cosmetics in accordance with the biorhythms of the skin.

Skin biorhythms and cosmetics

4-7 hours. The endocrine glands are activated, hormones are released, and blood circulation at this time becomes more intense. It is at this time that you should use a light moisturizer.

8 - 10 hours. Blood circulation at the zenith of activity. At this time, the skin absorbs everything it encounters, and harmful substances in the air too. What should be done for the skin now? Definitely protect. You need to protect it with a day cream.

11 - 12 o'clock. At this time, the sebaceous glands begin to work hard. You have noticed that many of you have an oily sheen on the skin, the pores become more visible. Use a toner and apply matting agents.

13 - 14 hours. We start to get tired and the skin too. The first signs of fatigue appear on it, wrinkles become more noticeable. You need to rest, and so does your skin. Wash your face with cool water, wipe your face with tonic.

15 - 18 hours. The skin becomes immune to cosmetic procedures.

18 - 23 hours. The receptivity increases again, and the skin actively absorbs oxygen, and therefore, cleansing the skin will help, which will allow it to "breathe" freely.

23 - 05 o'clock. The skin begins to absorb the active nutrients that night creams give it again. Recently, more and more new developments and technologies have made it possible to create night creams with a gel texture and hydration many times stronger than the earlier dense ones.

Biological aging of the skin begins at the age of 14-15. Yes, yes, unfortunately it is. Girls in their 14 years should know about this. At the age of 28 - 30, skin cells are already poorly exfoliated, and the stratum corneum thickens. Therefore, the process of cell regeneration begins to slow down, moisture evaporates faster. And, as a consequence of all this, wrinkles. We already see all this in our 50 years. The skin sags, nasolabial folds, wrinkles around the eyes and on the bridge of the nose appear. We look in the mirror with sadness. And someone says - it's time to go for plastic.

But knowing all about this, you can postpone this process with the right departure, which we will start today, now.

Skin biorhythms

Remember !!!
1. Buy cream only for your skin type. Many people know about it, but not all do it.

2. Do not allow the skin to get used to any one product. The skin will begin to get used to it, it will develop immunity to it, and the cream will no longer help.

3. Follow the age recommendations often indicated on the jar. What helps mom won't help her daughter. Active substances that are aimed at the effect of rejuvenation on the skin of a young girl can have the opposite effect. And the composition of products for young girls includes various kinds of moisturizers, substances that optimize the function of the sebaceous glands and remove sebaceous shine, that is, drying, as well as substances that resist the formation of acne. Young age creams can be applied both in the morning and in the evening and are generally versatile.

Perhaps all these recommendations related to biorhythms are unacceptable for some, but one should try to listen to the biorhythms of the skin.

Our life takes place in a certain rhythm set by nature. We cannot change this rhythm, but we can live in harmony with it.

Skin biorhythms and cosmetics
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