
Rejuvenating facial gymnastics

Every day the sun shines brighter and brighter, bringing warmth and joy, but at the same time the sun makes us squint, which causes wrinkles to appear. Therefore, already in March it is necessary to wear Sunglasses... In general, sunglasses will not hurt on any sunny day, even if this day is in mid-January.

Putting on sunglasses, we will save our eyes and prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles, but unfortunately, glasses alone in the fight against wrinkles cannot be done, because many different emotions are reflected on our face every day and as a result, tension builds up in some muscles of the face, and other muscles, on the contrary, they lose their tone.

For this reason, the oval of the face gradually loses its shape and spreads, the corners of the lips sink, and early wrinkles appear. To avoid this, you need to keep your face in good physical shape, like your body, with the help of special exercises. To achieve results, you need to exercise regularly for 10 to 15 minutes a day.

Rejuvenating facial gymnastics

Gymnastics for the face from wrinkles

1. Strengthen the muscles of the forehead: place your palm on your forehead, slightly fixing the skin and muscles of the forehead, then raise and lower your eyebrows 5-7 times.

2. Correction of pubescent eyebrows: fix your index fingers on the brow arches, raise your eyebrows and hold your breath for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

3. Strengthening the upper eyelids: gently holding the closed movable upper eyelids, try to open your eyes.

4. Strengthen the lower eyelids: place your fingers on the lower edge of the eye socket and fix. Lift your eyes up and squint your lower eyelid.

5. Preventing the appearance of a double chin: place your fist under the chin and raise your hand up, while trying to open your mouth, for up to 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times. Smile without opening your lips, pull the skin of your neck down and tilt your head back, count to 5. Repeat this exercise 20-30 times.

6. Correction of the oval and strengthening of the neck muscles: tilt your head back, lifting your face up. Open your mouth and try to reach the nose with your lower lip, counting to 10. Repeat 3-5 times.

7. Work with the cheeks: alternately inflate your cheeks, press on the inflated cheeks with your hands, roll the air balloon in your mouth in a circle for 2-3 minutes.

Gymnastics and facial exercises for wrinkles

8. To raise the corners of the mouth: fix the corners of the mouth with the pads of your index fingers, lips tense and tightly compressed. Move your fingers up and down for a minute.

In addition to exercise, you can go in another way. Observe yourself, talk to yourself in front of the mirror. Prepare a speech on a topic of interest to you and, being alone, put camera in camcorder mode and record your performance on video. Watching the videos, you will see all the features of facial expressions and understand what needs to be changed in order to look more beautiful in the process of communication and keep your face young for a long time.

Rejuvenating facial gymnastics
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