Many people are afraid of the invasion of settlers from the East, worried that they will harm the European society, the centuries-old culture and traditions of Europe. In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of, Europe itself once long ago borrowed a lot from the East, when the crusaders went on their military campaigns and returned with luxurious trophies.
Today in the fashion world there are more and more designers from the East who successfully work and create beautiful clothes and accessories, making fashion more luxurious. Without them, the fashion world would be too boring, because many brands that reflect the traditional understanding of European fashion are boring in their gray elegance.
A great example of an oriental designer is Rim Acra.
Today wishes to draw the attention of readers to the collection of wedding dresses Reem Acra. This brand was created by a designer of Lebanese origin. Rim Acra has been designing clothes since childhood. Her first models were dolls for which she sewed dresses. True, she was not interested in the dolls themselves, but in the dresses and fabrics from which she sewed.
After school, Rim Acra went to college in Lebanon, but did not finish her studies and moved to the United States, where she continued her studies. After that, the designer moved to Paris and Hong Kong, but then returned to America again, where she founded her brand.
The collection of wedding dresses for spring 2024 turned out to be truly royal, it is not for nothing that there are many celebrities and monarchs.