
The gold of our ancestors

It is widely believed among many so-called "civilized people" that a state with thinking people began to appear on the territory of Russia only recently, around the 19th century, and earlier slaves lived in Russia, even earlier barbarians, led by a tsar, prince or leader.

In fact, everything is not so primitive, the history of Russia is very rich, deep and at the same time complex. periodically recalls various historical dates, folk crafts and biographies of Russian cultural and art workers.

Today, let us remember the very antiquity, when, according to the assurances of many authoritative historians, barbarians raged on the territory of Russia. According to Western civilization, the barbarians could not create anything, their occupation was cattle breeding, the primitive dressing of hides and, most importantly, the robbery and ruin of honest European workers, from whom the barbarians took away all food supplies and beautiful women.

Scythian gold

If they were so primitive, how were they able to make many gold jewelry, many of which have survived to our time? Barbarians and warriors in general need weapons, plentiful food and entertainment in the first place. Jewelry is created by peoples with a high culture and rich traditions, therefore, we can say that the Scythians and many other peoples inhabiting the territories of present-day Russia had a high level of development.

Now you can begin to argue and argue that the Scythians have nothing to do with the Slavic peoples, but will tell you about this topic in great detail in one of the following publications. has many good friends, including scientists and cultural figures, including archaeologists specializing in the study of the Scythians, Khazars and other peoples. Therefore, I'll tell you about everything, and now let's see a photo of Scythian jewelry.

Scythian gold
The gold of our ancestors
Gold jewelry of the Scythians

Gold jewelry of the Scythians

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