Fashion and social injustice

Many contrasts can be seen in Moscow and other cities. Whoever you meet - one girl is dressed for a million, and someone is not enough for food. This is called social injustice, and many public figures do not stop fighting for the rights of the disadvantaged and disadvantaged.

Although if you take a reasonable look at life - the difference in income and living standards is the very fairness, because our income and quality of life largely depend on ourselves. Natural data is another matter, this is where you can see injustice - one got high growth about nature, gorgeous hair, and generally a written beauty, and the other is called a freak, although in general she may not be to blame.

Beautiful girl

Therefore, when in the future you see a beauty in diamonds in an expensive car, do not reproach her and do not talk about how bad it is to live in luxury when a lot of people around are living from hand to mouth. There is least of all injustice. Luxurious life will always be in vogue, and poverty is not some achievement or merit. Poverty is often the result of indifference to life, sloppiness and lack of any worthy goals.

It sounds harsh, but this is the truth. Take a look around, consider the well-being and lifestyle of the people. Poverty is almost always the result of the above attitude towards life. The exception is people who lead a spiritual lifestyle, sacrificing material wealth for spiritual growth.

Beautiful girl
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