
How to grow eyebrows at home

Eyebrows are the framing of our face, the way others perceive us depends on their shape. Everyone knows such expressions as "stern, open, sad, bright eyes", etc ... For the most part, it all depends on our facial expressions and mood, but eyebrows also make a certain contribution. Look at photos of celebrities such as Caroo Delevingne.

Cara Delevingne's bushy eyebrows

Thanks to Cara Delevingne's eyebrows, the UK beauty market made £ 6.5million from eyebrow beauty products in less than 5 months! This is 53 percent more than last year's income. does not encourage its female readers to imitate Cara Delevingne. This model is not the best example to follow, she has the most ordinary appearance, and success came to her not due to her eyebrows, but thanks to the totality of her appearance, hard work and her inner world. Therefore, imitating Kara is futile and will not make you a top model. But we are not going to imitate her, we just want to have our own thick eyebrows, not drawn ones.

How to grow thick eyebrows at home

How to properly grow thick eyebrows at home?

There are many tools to restore eyebrows, and we have talked about most of them more than once in the heading hair care.

Various oils has already written about the wonderful properties of different oils for skin and hair, oils will also help for thickening eyebrows. Try castor oil, olive oil, argan oil, sea buckthorn oil. When choosing sea buckthorn oil, you need to be careful, because in some cases it can stain the skin a little.

Do not forget burdock, peach, almond and grape seed oil. All of these oils promote hair growth and thicken eyebrows. In this case, the new growing hairs will be quite soft and silky.

How much oil should I apply?
It is not necessary to apply a lot of oil to drip from the eyebrows. It is enough to rub a couple of drops on the eyebrows in the morning and in the evening.

Alternate oils, first use burdock oil for a week, then olive oil, then try argan oil. After a month, visible results will appear, but do not stop there, continue on, because applying a couple of drops of oil to the eyebrows is not at all difficult and does not take much time.

Argan oil to restore eyebrows

Various masks will also help to thicken the eyebrows, for example, a mask based on a fig. Dried figs boil in milk, put in a gauze bag of several layers of gauze and attach to the eyebrows. Put compress paper and a towel on top. To achieve the effect, keep for at least an hour.

There are other masks, but a rare woman can afford to lie for hours with masks. Therefore, recommends stopping all attention on oils, with their help it is much more realistic to grow thick eyebrows at home, and with masks everything will quickly get bored and abandoned.

In addition to oils and other products, do not forget about combing, this also has a beneficial effect on the thickness of the eyebrows. First against hair growth, then in the direction of growth, and so on several times. This stimulates blood flow to the bulbs and hairs.

How to grow eyebrows at home
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