Many designers, jewelers, stylists and just craftswomen periodically send me links to their work and various events. ignores a lot, relates something to advertising, and publishes some materials completely disinterestedly due to the fact that I like it.
This publication is exactly like that. At first glance, I openly advertise a workshop for designer steering wheels, but in fact I write simply because I like the idea of decorating my car that way.
In general, I now calmly perceive cars, even the most expensive cars do not make an impression on me, but I take it with interest with various decorations that make my car unique. Therefore, I just can not ignore the proposal of the creative workshop of design steering wheels.
Isn't it lovely - steering wheels decorated with rhinestones, gold plates, various semi-precious stones and colored varnishes!
Of course, you can paste over the entire car with rhinestones, you can decorate the wheels and the entire panel of the car, but often such cars look ridiculous, because everything must be kept in measure. In my opinion, the designer steering wheel with gold plates and rhinestones does not go beyond reasonable aesthetic limits.