If your skin has become dull or reacts to some external changes with irritation, this may be the result of the influence of free radicals, about which cosmetologists and doctors have been talking so much lately.
When phenomena occur in the body that worsen our health, the skin, hair and nails will tell us the fastest. After all, this means that the body has insufficient levels of antioxidants, the main fighters against free radicals. So who are they - free radicals and antioxidants, because we hear these names all the time? And therefore, our task is to know about them as much as possible in order to preserve our health, maintain a fresh face and good spirits.
The theory of free radicals was first considered in the 50s of the last century. It said that it is oxygen, without which there is no life on Earth, and, accordingly, the work of the human body is impossible, it also contributes to the formation of free radicals. The latter, in turn, damage cells and the connections between them. So we get from this a dull complexion, dry skin, and wrinkles and many other problems.
Free radicals - these are fragments of molecules in which there is a free electron, from which they become very unstable, since free electrons tend to combine into pairs. A free electron is looking for a pair. In the end, this happens - in search of a partner, another pair breaks, and a new unstable connection appears, etc. A chain reaction takes place in the body, forming unstable compounds, which damages cells.
A small amount of free radicals effectively fights bacteria and viruses, but a large amount, when they get out of control, is harmful to the body. And this is where antioxidants come to the rescue. Antioxidants are able to neutralize these particles before they harm the cells in the body.
The most popular fighters against free radicals are vitamins A, C, E, selenium, zinc, which have been known for a long time. In the late fifties, they also discovered coenzyme Q10, and since then medicine and cosmetology have been trying to find new and new ways and means to prolong human life and stop old age, although much depends on us - how aware we are about our health, and how we we take care of it.
Many cosmetics have an antioxidant effect, and their effect on the skin depends on the concentration of antioxidants - the more, the better. Moreover, antioxidants enhance each other's action, for example, in the presence of two such components, the positive effect can be enhanced three or more times.
Scientists are looking for new ways and compounds so that the results can be amplified many times over. Yes, doctors and cosmetologists are trying to help us preserve both health and youth. But ... a lot also depends on external factors, ecology, on our attitude towards our own health. For example, prolonged exposure to the sun accelerates negative processes. In this case, it is necessary to look not only for antioxidant cosmetics, but also UV protection.
There is another factor that worsen the condition of the skin - stress, with which everyone is familiar. This factor acts slowly but surely. It is extremely difficult to get rid of its consequences, the skin loses its freshness and elasticity. Therefore, if you often experience negative emotions, look for cosmetics in advance with the keywords - "energy cream", "serum to improve color", "anti-stress agent".
Antioxidants are added to cosmetics to resist skin aging, but you need to protect yourself from the inside as well.This means consuming more antioxidants with food, since the damage done to cells by free radicals causes heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, cataracts and many other diseases.
The best sources of vitamin A are fish oil, liver, eggs, and dairy products. Vitamin A, in the form of beta carotene, is found in brightly colored fruits and vegetables, and is converted into vitamin A in the body. It decreases during cooking, contact with iron and copper in kitchen utensils, and contact with air.
The best sources of vitamin E include vegetable oils (especially unrefined sunflower or canola oil), sunflower seeds, peanuts, almonds, avocados, asparagus, spinach, and other leafy green crops. Decreases due to cleaning and processing of products, when exposed to light and air.
Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant. It helps prevent fat oxidation in the body. When the body is fighting a viral or bacterial infection, the immune system needs more energy. Coenzyme Q10 provides it with this energy, cells work more efficiently. Q10 is found in many foods.
The best sources of vitamin C are fruits and vegetables, especially black currants, oranges, lemons, cauliflower, and potatoes. Decreases due to exposure to light and heat, reheating of cooked food, smoking and caffeine.
Selenium is a powerful antioxidant - it is a rare and very valuable element for our body, it works much more effectively in conjunction with vitamin E. The best sources of selenium: yeast, garlic, liver, fish, eggs. Decreases in products with excessive soil fertilization, in the body - when smoking.
The best sources of zinc include organ meats, meats, mushrooms, oysters, yeast, eggs, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds. Decreases due to over-cleaning and processing of food, taking birth control pills, smoking and drinking.
There are other vital vitamins and elements that can be useful for renewing the skin, maintaining its elasticity and the body as a whole. To get enough antioxidants, you need to eat large amounts of these foods, so you should use drugs and vitamins recommended by medicine and specifically by your doctor.
Antioxidants help prevent damage from free radicals that interfere with the healthy regeneration of skin cells, causing the skin to age, wrinkle, sag, and fade. As you read this article, thousands of free radicals have already formed in your body. So it's time to act.