Hand care and manicure

Hand and nail care - how to wash your hands

Hand and nail care is a very serious matter. After all, our pens have to work so hard: washing floors and windows, scrubbing stains from the stove, washing dishes and washing, digging in the ground, caring for their favorite flowers, sometimes hammering nails and doing many other things, where there may be dirt and water , greasy stains and soot, etc.

But imagine that you have come to the first meeting, your new acquaintance opens the door of his luxury car for you and reaches out to take your little gentle hand on his manly palm. And suddenly ... he sees this quivering pen with peeling varnish three weeks ago, or, even worse, with gnawed nails.

Now remember the canvases of artists of the past centuries, which depict beauties with small snow-white hands and neat fingers. This means that the ideal of female hands has not changed since ancient times.

lady with ermine

Lady with an ermine

And in order for your hands and nails to be perfect, they need care. From early childhood, you need to make sure that your children have neat hands and nails, do not bite their nails, especially girls. It turns out that the shape of the nails in the future also depends on whether there was this addiction in childhood.

Egyptians were the first to think of giving nails an unusual shape and color, applying emollient ointments and compositions.

We will not go into details now how they took care of their hands and nails in the past. As you know, the attitude to beauty is different at all times and among all peoples, this also applies to nails in particular. But according to mystyle.decorexpro.com/en/well-groomed handles with neatly crafted nails will always be popular.

If we don't forget about our hands, we think last of all, because the main thing is to bring our face and hair into a well-groomed look.

Girl in front of the mirror

Let's take care of our hands right now. Where do we start? - How to wash your hands properly.

More often than not, our hands are affected by the environment and water. It is with water that our hands most often contact. And if this happens often, then the skin of the hands becomes dehydrated. The harder the water, the richer the solution of mineral salts in the water, the more moisture the skin of the hands loses. Both washing powders and soaps, especially those with a high alkali content, have a dehydrating effect.

The skin of the hands is degreased, becomes dry, flabby and wrinkled. Not only the skin of the face, but also of the hands, is very sensitive. If you do not take care of your hands, the skin becomes thinner early, dries up and loses its elasticity, pigmentation spots and wrinkles appear on it.

When should you wash your hands? Probably from childhood, we hear - my hands before eating, after eating, before going to bed, in the morning after sleeping and when my hands are just dirty. And everything is absolutely correct.

But you should always wash your hands with warm water. Frequent washing in cold water causes the skin to become rough. By the way, frequent washing of hands in hot water leads to degreasing of the skin.

Hand and nail care - how to wash your hands

The best detergent is a quality liquid soap. It is non-irritating and has a neutral acidity level. Can be washed with soap containing glycerin or various vegetable oils, such as olive oil, can be washed with a body cleansing gel.

As a substitute for soap, gels are gaining in popularity. They have a near-natural pH and contain ingredients that moisturize the skin. Wipe your hands thoroughly after washing. The longer your hands are kept moist, the more and more quickly the skin dehydrates. You should not go outside with wet hands, especially in the cold season, as the skin in these cases coarsens, cracks and so-called "pimples" form on it.

All household chores, especially those related to water, are best done with protective gloves.If you are going to work with rubber gloves for a long time, wear cotton gloves under the rubber gloves.

If you are one of those who have to wash their hands often, then it is necessary and often to use various emollient creams and ointments. In these cases, even simple petroleum jelly will help. It gives a very good effect if you use the following composition: glycerin - 50g, honey - 10g, borax - 1g, water - 100g.

You can also use this composition: glycerin - 50g, 1/2 lemon juice, water - 100g. A beneficial effect on the skin of the hands is also created by such a mixture - glycerin - 30 g, ammonia - 1 g, cologne - 20 g, water - 50 g.

Hand cream

If you have to work with dirt, lubricate your hands with a special protective cream, but after work it is not enough to just wash your hands. They require more care - it is necessary to use products to soften and moisturize the skin. You can use a special emulsion.

The emulsion consists of two main parts - water and oil. The oil base contains various components - cocoa butter, lanolin, beeswax, vegetable oils (corn, soybean, olive), stone oils (apricot, almond, peach, plum), stearin, paraffin, petroleum jelly, glycerin, etc. It is also good to use products with natural plant substances, that is, phyto-cosmetic products.

There are a lot of cosmetic products for hand skin care, but we'll talk about that next time.

Hand and nail care - how to wash your hands
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