The social network Vkontakte is the absolute leader of the Russian-speaking Internet in terms of the amount of time killed, but sometimes you can find something useful or funny in the Vkontakte communities.
Recently I took a fancy to one community where funny and unusual images from the subway are published. The community is called - "Fashion of the Petersburg Metro"
Feel free to browse and add to subscriptions, and would like to view some of the community photos that I liked the most.
Together with the photo, I would like to remind you - does not like to ridicule and condemn ordinary people, because condemnation does not make anyone better. Therefore, do not take this publication as a mockery of funny fashionistas and fashionistas. I just wanted to share interesting photos.
If you saw your photo here and want to exclude it from the publication, write me a letter or call me, I always go forward and immediately delete the controversial material.
The photographs clearly show that the metro is a wonderful place, because in the metro you can see a lot of interesting characters. Someone will cheer up, and some can become a source of inspiration for creativity, the main thing is to perceive the metro and people positively.