Very often you hear about natural cosmetics. You know that many cosmetics companies create these products and they are quite expensive. After all, everything natural means the best. And you certainly want to have beautiful, healthy skin. However, pay attention to your attitude to the skin - you will agree that your skin care is about fighting the consequences of some kind of imbalance in the skin.
Yes, that's right - we are busy fighting the consequences, we try to hide skin imperfections with the help of decorative cosmetics, we fight pimples when we finally found them, etc. Finally, we strive to buy the most expensive and miraculous remedy to get healthy, glowing skin. We do our best to correct negative consequences, but we are not engaged in prevention.
Taking care of health and, consequently, the beauty of the skin has never been as difficult as in the modern world. Everything is very simple - ecology, stress, low-quality food. And besides this, the cosmetics themselves used by us are also of poor quality. After all, not all products are safe, they are stuffed with many chemical ingredients that have unpronounceable names and promise almost instant results.
Many of them do not benefit, but harm. We think that all manufacturers have carried out a thorough check in their laboratories, that they are guided exclusively by good intentions and guarantee our safety, and therefore no one puts dubious products on sale.
The use of chemicals in recent years has dramatically increased not only in cosmetics, but also in various areas of our lives. We use more than 100 thousand chemicals, a small part of which are tested for long-term effects on the human body. Now it is forbidden to use substances such as mercury and lead, but for many years they were considered harmless.
But what about aluminum, phthalates or parabens - are they still in use? We can only rely on the mind of cosmetic manufacturers, because they mainly determine the level of safety of the products we use. They independently decide from what to produce certain products.
However, there are those cosmetics, the safety of which has been confirmed by many millions of consumers over the centuries. You can guess what these means. Yes, these are herbal extracts, essential oils, fruit juices, herbs. They are the safest ingredients, and they are so easy to use, only they cannot always be stored for a long time.
The human body is a complex system capable of self-healing, and the listed ingredients can help stop destruction and even stop an incipient disease. You just need to pay attention to them, change your lifestyle, learn to live and eat not to the detriment of your own health.
Therefore, we will draw a conclusion for ourselves - natural cosmetics is the best choice for those who wish to stay healthy and beautiful.