creates its publications for people, so I have to adapt a lot to the wishes of my readers. Of course, with all my desire, I cannot please everyone. Someone even offends my publications, and nothing can be done about it, such is life - you cannot please everyone. But I keep trying, and every season I publish publications dedicated to dresses of different colors, including red dresses.
In publication red dresses fall-winter 2024-2025 you can see many dresses, but not all are really red, and the point here is in the variety of shades of red.
Modern monitors display about a billion different colors! Until recently, one could not even dream of this, and even earlier, even in the perception of people, the colors of the world seemed much simpler and poorer. Some peoples saw 6 colors in the rainbow, others only 5, and the ancient people got by with only three colors - black, white and red.
Although in fact, even modern monitors cannot convey all the colors of the universe, where the number of shades in the spectrum tends to infinity, because the universe itself is infinite. Only we, in any case, cannot contain infinity. Man is a very limited creation. Therefore, more than a billion colors and shades are enough for us, let's try to figure them out.
Let's start with shades of red
Red has many shades, for example, the color of burgundy, or, as they began to say since the middle of the 20th century, burgundy, is defined as one of the shades of red. This color is darker than scarlet.
Exists the color of hellfire Is a lilac shade of red. The sonorous name makes you wonder who managed to see the hellfire in order to return from there and tell.
And beloved by all frightened nymph's thigh color - (French "cuisse de nimphe? Mue") - a playful name for a pale pink color associated with the aesthetics of the French Rococo style of the first half of the 18th century. Associated with the ancient images of nymphs and the goddess of the morning dawn Eos, or the Roman Aurora (in other versions of the translation from French: "the color of the thigh of a touched, embarrassed or hurt nymph"). Perhaps it arose at the beginning of the nineteenth century with the advent of a new variety of roses.
Magenta color - bright red
Adelaide - red shade of lilac. According to other sources, dark blue. In the 40-50s of the XIX century. used in print: found in Turgenev and Dostoevsky.
Moscow fire - similar to the color of crushed lingonberries.
Solferino - bright red. The color was named after the Battle of Solferino in the Austro-Italian-French War.
Sharlach - bright red.
Next, you can list and enumerate the names of the colors. All this is very interesting, but in any case, tomorrow you will forget most of it, so to standardize the colors, each shade was assigned numerical values.
Standardization allows you to have a fairly accurate idea of some of the most used colors, especially those that make up the web palette. But what about other, more subtle and peculiar shades? What exactly do solferino or scarlet colors look like?
You can use a selection of illustrations, of which there are a great many on the Internet. In the photo below, you can see the richness of shades of red, but I warn you right away, we can see different shades, it all depends on a number of factors, for example, your monitor.
The color can also change when passing through the optics of the camera, then the shades undergo changes in the matrix and the electronic part of the camera. This is followed by processing on a computer, where the monitor takes part, and then printing follows, which is also not perfect.
Pure red is a warm color. It can be "warmed up" even more by adding yellow tints to it. The warmest red tends to orange.
If you want to "cool" the red color, add blue-blue tints.Red gradually "cools down" and slowly approaches violet.