On November 16, as part of the final After Party Belarus Fashion Week, the winner of the Fashion Blog Competition BFW was announced. For the sixth season in a row, the Organizing Committee of the Fashion Week in Belarus has been promoting the development of the blogging sphere and fashion journalism in our country. Last season, the project was traditionally supported by velcom, the largest mobile operator in the Republic of Belarus.
During the competition, bloggers-participants completed a number of interesting creative tasks and were able to get acquainted with Belarusian fashion from the inside, having the opportunity to attend all shows, lectures, master classes, parties and exhibitions related to the Belarus FashionWeek project.
Fashion Blog Competition is a great chance to show your creativity, imagination and creativity, which the participants did during the competition. The blogs featured unusual photo shoots, interesting interviews, vivid collages and bold collaborations.
The strong composition of the participants contributed to a rather confident and intense competitive struggle, because each of the bloggers stood out with something special in the manner of blogging and had their own unique sides.
The decision on the winner was taken by the competent jury members:
Also, representatives of velcom chose the winner in the SmartOutfit nomination. The best blogger in the partnership competition was Alexandra Polnyakova (https://stealtheshow.by/). Alexandra received a fashionable gadget from the company.
Dasha Bambalina became the winner of the entire Fashion Blog Competition (https://www.bailabambalina.com/). During Fashion Week, Dasha made daily reports in two languages and accompanied the posts with review videos and high-quality photos. Her brother Ivan helped the participant with the technical part of filling her personal website.
The winner of the competition gets the opportunity to visit one of the fashion weeks, a trip to which is organized by the Belarusian Fashion Chamber.
The organizing committee of Belarus Fashion Week congratulates the winners and participants of the competition on the end of a successful season!
Text: BFW Press Center (Burdina Olga)
Photo: Lavr Ryzhankov, velcom.by, participants' blogs.