In the spring and especially in the summer, a long dress is very comfortable and beautiful, because the fashion for tanning has long passed, and smart girls know that they must be very careful with the sun. Long dresses save us from the scorching sun and at the same time make us feminine and beautiful.
In addition, dresses are very practical, with their help it is much easier to create a successful complete image, it is enough to choose the right shoes and a handbag. Spring and summer dresses can be colored and white, simple and luxurious. Many fashion brands offer long dresses in their spring-summer 2024 collections. Let's see and think about how to replenish our wardrobe in the very near future.
Long dresses are not fashionable. Of course, in some periods of time, very short dresses and skirts came into fashion, but at the same time there was always room for floor-length models.
Let's remember the history - long dresses have existed since time immemorial and the point here is not only modesty and religious norms. A long dress actually has many advantages, it can hide the flaws of the legs and will allow you not to worry that others will see something unnecessary. At the same time, a long dress can make you no less desirable than a short dress.