It is the middle of winter, and in many cities of Russia it is wet snow, which turns into a liquid muddy porridge on the roads, and all this spoils our shoes. The best solution in this situation is rubber boots, only by a strange coincidence, rubber boots are not easy to see on our streets.
Many Russian girls and Russian women of different nationalities do not wear rubber boots, despite the weather suitable for them. Why spoil your leather shoes in bad weather? The main reason is that girls are ashamed, uncomfortable, embarrassed to come to school, college or office in rubber shoes, even if there is an opportunity to change their shoes.
How to overcome this condition? There are many options, but the most versatile and reliable is buying expensive rubber boots, in which you will not be ashamed to appear in front of your friends. Therefore, buy expensive rubber boots, in any case they will last long enough, and at the same time they will extend the life of your leather boots and ankle boots that are afraid of wet roads and sidewalks.
Conclusions - expensive rubber boots are a very good buy, they will raise your self-esteem, preserve leather shoes and make your movement in wet slushy weather comfortable.