
Jewelry from Marchesa

Marchesa renowned for its evening gowns and red carpet gowns, Marchesa also creates beautiful bridal gowns. And now the brand has decided to expand its range and launched a line of jewelry. And this is quite justified, because wedding dresses from Marchesa attract brides from all over the world.

Now, in addition to the dress, girls will be able to wear a Marchesa ring. The cost of engagement rings ranges from $ 1,400 to $ 28,000. In addition to rings, you can buy pendants and earrings.

Ring from Marchesa

“Bride Marchesa is confident, elegant, and embodies true self-sufficiency. Our jewelry line continues this feeling, becomes, as it were, the final touch ”, - say the creators of the brand Georgina Chapman and Keren Craig.

Ring from Marchesa
Ring from Marchesa
Ring from Marchesa

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