Barbie is a beautiful doll, she is the absolute leader in terms of sales and no matter how many negative words are said to her, Barbie leaves all her competitors far behind!
Many girls, small and not so, dream to be like Barbie, do make-up, buy clothes in the style of Barbie and put in many other efforts to become a Barbie.
If by nature you have an ideal figure, then transforming into a Barbie is not difficult at all, Barbie makeup, clothes for Barbie, and now you are practically a real princess.
And if the figure is not so simple? I also want to be a Barbie and eat a lot of goodies, ice cream, cakes, cakes and sweets, while it is not possible to keep the waist like a beautiful Barbie, what to do?
There is a way out, in this video, the girl clearly demonstrates that in your desire to become a Barbie, extra pounds are not an obstacle!
How to become a Barbie for Magazine
How To Become A Barbie Video
Do you want to become a real Barbie? Check out the following publications on the Fashionista website - Barbie style, Barbie doll and clothes for barbie.
If you are still in doubt and cannot decide to try the image of a Barbie on yourself, watch this video and the remnants of doubts will disappear.