
Great Victory - Russia's victory in the Great Patriotic War!

Although talks about fashion, beauty and art, this date cannot be missed. After all, “... To be proud of the glory of your ancestors is not only possible, but also must; not to respect it is shameful cowardice. "

Therefore, congratulating you all on the Great Victory over fascism, we want to wish the modern generation to remember those who fought, who with their lives defended freedom not only in Russia, but throughout Europe, to remember and not to forget. Right now, our main task is to prevent the rewriting of history to please those who are trying to acquire their imaginary glory at the expense of the glory of another country, which in fact does not exist.

The history of Russia is a history of great victories.
Let's flip through the pages of the history of Russia and remember at least some of them, said many years ago in the words of world-famous historical figures.

Victory Day holiday

"I have summoned you today, my men, in order to tell you that our army valiantly took the Greek city of Chersonesos ... from now on our people can freely live in the mouth of the Dnieper, on the white shores and everywhere over the Russian Sea ..."
(Prince Vladimir, X - XI century)

“… The advance of the Russians through Siberia… proceeded with a stunning speed…. To the lot of this unknown army went to such a feat, which will forever remain a monument of his courage and enterprise, equal to which no other European nation has accomplished. "
(J. Baker - Prof. Oxford about the Cossacks of Ermak)

"I am happy, leading the Russians, and you should be proud of the name of the Russians, for this name is and will be the banner of victory."

"We are Russians and therefore we will win - we will be honored and glorified!"

"The Russians are fighting so brilliantly and have inflicted such enormous damage on the German military machine that no honest criticism on their part about our strategy or our participation in the war will be overlooked by us and will not diminish our admiration for their military prowess and victories."
(August 31, 1943 Winston Churchill).

On May 30, 1962, one of the largest military authorities in the West, British Field Marshal B. Montgomery, declared in the House of Lords of Great Britain: “The first rule, inscribed on the first page of the book of the war, reads:“ Do not go to Moscow! ” What the forgetting of this rule leads to can be seen in the example of Napoleon and Hitler. "

We should not forget history and remake it in order to whitewash those responsible for the tragedies. But one should not irritate each other, constantly reminding what, to whom, when and who did it, because in this case there will never be peace between countries. From the history that was 70 or 400 years ago, it is necessary to draw conclusions for each country and all peoples, so as not to repeat mistakes that are not ours, not others'.

There are other people living now, the descendants of those who had to create the history that some now just want to forget or remake it, but this is a big mistake, and above all for those who are trying to do it.

I would like to end my congratulations in honor of the Great Victory of Russia with the words:
"... and to those who returned, and to those who perished memory and eternal glory."

Victory Day holiday
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