Cosmetics and makeup

Snow White, White Skin or Tan?

Previously, tanned skin was an attribute of the lower strata of the population, those who worked in the field and in general in the open air - accessible to all winds, rains and the scorching sun. And then she came Coco Chanel, she made a huge contribution to the fashion industry, created a little black dress, perfume Chanel №5, handbag on a chain - Chanel 2.55 and much more. In addition to new clothes and accessories, Chanel has also changed a lot in the lifestyle of girls - for example, introduced a fashion for tanning.

In the USSR, there was no pronounced fashion for a slender tanned body, then they were guided by slightly different ideals, and the main slogan was - A healthy mind in a healthy body! The ideologists of the USSR put a healthy lifestyle very highly, but at the same time, the citizens of the USSR did not always lead a long and healthy life.

White skin or tan

When the Empire of the USSR ceased to exist, at the same time the borders opened, it became possible to earn good money, and spend it at your own pleasure. Everyone had the opportunity to get on a plane and in December will go to the islands in the Pacific Ocean, where to splash in warm water and bask in the sun, getting an even beautiful tan.

Therefore, at that time it became very popular to always wear traces of bright sunlight on your face and body. The presence of sunburn both in winter and in summer, spoke of the security of its bearer, that she leads an active lifestyle, is successful, and can afford to travel around the globe at any time of the year. And besides, he visits tanning salons in beauty salons, of which there were very few at that time.

Every girl wants to be beautiful, successful and so that everyone knows about it, men dreamed of her and gave expensive gifts, girlfriends were jealous. Thanks to this, tanning became popular, and many girls began to strive for it. Although one more point must be taken into account - tanning, in addition to appearance, gives another effect, improves mood, thanks to the production of certain hormones.

White skin or tan

Snow white or mulatto - white skin or tan?

Today, seaside vacations are available to very many, there are plenty of solariums openly, many can afford to purchase a home solarium. Therefore, tanning today is available at any time of the year to everyone. And as you know - what is readily available loses its value, it works in all spheres of life.

So now, having a tanned body in the month of February does not mean your wealth and success. What other benefits are left over from wearing a tan?

The most important and almost the only advantage of tanning is the concealment of minor skin imperfections.

I must say this is a very significant advantage, because with it it is much easier to look beautiful and desirable. And with the white skin of Snow White, you will have to try very hard to hide all the flaws or get rid of them altogether.

So tanning is an easy way to that desired beauty? It doesn't matter that the skin has minor imperfections, because if they are hidden by a tan, no one sees them, and if not, then they are not at all!

Snow White

Everything would be so good if it were not for the harmful effects of the sun's rays and tanning lamps on the skin. It will take too long to describe all the processes occurring in the body and with the skin under the influence of rays, and we will not fit into a readable format. Obviously, the most important thing is that regular tanning contributes to premature aging of the skin. Aging of the skin is, at first, small wrinkles, and then those that no tan will hide and only plastic will help.

This is the reality - tanning accelerates the aging process, whether you like it or not.

But the bearer of white skin can maintain its freshness and aroma of youth for many years. You just need to take care of yourself a little more, take care of yourself more carefully and observe proper nutrition, a normal regimen, do fitness and not have bad habits.If you do all this, then even without masking with a tan, you will look great, in addition, the skin will last much longer and you will not have to look for the miracle of anti-wrinkle cream. At the same time, it is sad to look in the mirror and see that they do not help, although you are only 35 years old.

Snow White, White Skin or Tan?
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