The show of the Chanel couture collection for fall and winter 2024-2025 was held in a real casino, which was created within the walls of the Parisian Grand Palais. In the new collection, Karl Lagerfeld continues to interpret and develop the heritage of the Great Mademoiselle, adjusting it to the realities of our time.
The show began with traditional Chanel variations on an elegant tweed suit. Two-piece suits were presented in a variety of shades and textures, quilted details and a variety of decorations. On some suits, one could see shoulder straps that resemble military men and at the same time emphasize the silhouette.
Several costumes have been printed on 3D printer... Therefore, the material was not traditional tweed, but high-tech fabric. This technology is not something revolutionary, but now experiments with 3D printers are in vogue, with their help they are trying to create a variety of outfits. Only this goes against the ideology and traditions of Haute Couture.
Although the erasure of traditions is not new for our time, and it is quite possible that soon more and more things for couture collections will be created not by the hands of skilled craftswomen, but printed on 3D printers. True, then the price should be much less, because printing on 3D printers is getting cheaper every day, and most importantly, this technology has the ability to mass replicate, and therefore things created using 3D printing are not a luxury item and cannot be expensive. Hopefully this is a temporary high fashion craze and will soon pass.
Next came the luxurious dresses. Some models of dresses are assembled from several tiers of voluminous ruffles of taffeta and dense mesh, others - from many scraps of metallized fabric. In addition to various ruffles, the dresses are decorated with sequins, appliqués and ostrich feathers. In general, as it should be in a high fashion collection.
At the end of the show, we were pleased with a wedding dress, but instead of a lush wedding dress, the model was dressed in a snow-white trouser suit, which was supplemented with a long train of a veil, so that everyone could understand that this is not just a white suit, but a wedding dress.
For greater visibility and visibility in the media, Karl Lagerfeld invited some celebrities, and many magazines enthusiastically described in detail who was invited. A funny detail - on the one hand, all these stars attract attention, but on the other hand, they distract from the collection, and after all, at any show, the main thing is not the invited stars and models, but dresses, suits and other outfits.