With autumn approaching, shops selling sunglasses are offering discounts and many people think that sunglasses are needed only in summer, but this is not the case. In the fall and winter, the sun is not as bright and the day is much shorter, but there can still be very sunny days. In addition to the sun, in winter everything around can be covered with snow, it sparkles and sparkles in the sun, reflecting the sun's rays. On such days, even if it is 20 outside the window, sunglasses will not hurt at all.
Solar radiation is divided into three ranges: UV-A, UV-B and UV-C. The most dangerous UV-C rays are almost completely absorbed by the earth's atmosphere, while UV-A and UV-B rays only partially lose their energy in the atmosphere. Once in the eyes, the rays are absorbed by the cornea, lens and vitreous humor of the eye. As a result, you can get a burn of the cornea, and with prolonged exposure, the negative effect accumulates and over the years, clouding of the lens and retinal dystrophy are possible.
Besides health, there are other reasons why this wonderful accessory may be required at any time of the year. Fashion brands are well aware of our needs, and every season they offer more and more new things. Many model do not change for many years, retaining popularity, while others appear and disappear. Only modern fashion is very rich and values individuality first of all, so we have a huge wealth of choice.
Let's see what kind of sunglasses you can see in the fall-winter 2024-2025 collections.
Regarding protection from harmful solar radiation, we can say the following - almost all glasses protect from the sun, and if it is important for you to just save your eyes from fatigue, and the skin around your eyes from wrinkles, you do not need to buy the most expensive glasses, there are enough simple available models.
In this regard, many girls are wondering whether it is worth buying expensive sunglasses from fashion brands? In fact, glasses are worth a lot more than their cost, and manufacturers make very good money on them. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to decide to buy models that cost hundreds of dollars.
Why buy such expensive glasses at all? The answer is simple - expensive glasses are not just sun protection or a fashion accessory, but an adornment of our image. You can wear rings, a bracelet, a chain almost on any day, and hair jewelry, especially such luxurious ones as tiaras and crowns from Dolce & Gabbana, are not always appropriate, and in general many will not be able to afford them, fearing ridicule in the style - “I put on the crown ! " Therefore, expensive sunglasses replace our crown, diadem and luxurious hair ornaments, and at the same time protect the eyes and skin around the eyes.