Fur has been and remains popular, especially it finds itself "in its place" in Russia. But, since designers are always in constant search of something new, fur “found its place” in fur knitwear. Traditional images of fur coats, hats and other accessories made of fur are sometimes replaced by no less luxurious products made of “knitted fur”.
Fur "made friends" with materials that were quite unexpected for him, and modern fashion gave him the opportunity to distinguish himself once again, without leaving the pedestal of glamorous luxury. Fur and lace or fur and silk, as well as fur and knitwear, turned out to be a very fine combination in one product.
The history of fur knitwear began in a northern country rich in fur fauna, in Canada. In the late 70s of the XX century, designer Paula Lishman suggested using thin fur strips, which could also be obtained after cutting a fur garment. She invented a method for making fur threads and connecting them to a textile net. This is how the original fur fabric turned out.
For 20 years, knitted fur or, more precisely, fur knitwear, things could only be made under the license of Paula Lishman. When the patent expired, fur knitwear immediately became mainstream. For the manufacture of two-dimensional products - a jacket, vest or stole, a special knitted mesh is used, for making hats - a three-dimensional basis, for example, a cap knitted from cotton threads.
Usually, when creating fur knitwear, a fur thread is used - this is a thin strip of fur 3-10mm wide. For such a thread, mink, rabbit, arctic fox, beaver, fox fur is suitable. It all depends on the imagination of the designer and the type of fur from which the fur knitwear is created, as well as on the technology of joining materials.
Fur thread can be used to decorate a knitted hat or felt hat... The longer the fur pile, the wider the fur thread can be. This decor can be supplemented with a fur flower.
A fur fabric made of separate fur strips, used for hats, looks original. The fabric is very impressive from mink fur. Sometimes the fur is cut into strips, curled or braided.
The weaving pattern and knitting density depend on the length of the hair of the fur thread, the size of the mesh cells and the planned density of the product. When making a product from fur with long hair, the weaving step turns out to be wider, therefore, the longer the hair of the fur thread, the more “airy” and lighter the fabric. A long fur thread can not only be woven, but also sewn onto a knitted base.
The Saga Furs design center has made a great contribution to the creation of various types of fur knitwear. One of their developments allows the fabric to be made by sewing fur strips onto the product - joining knitted fabric and thin fur strips.
A fur fabric made of small stripes and resembling a fringe (developed by Saga Furs) looks like a rare curiosity. The length of the thread is chosen from 10 to 12 cm. The threads are tied onto a knitted mesh. Its cells can be of different sizes, it depends on what kind of thing is being knitted and from what type of fur, but in any case, the cells must correspond to the size of the fur strips that will be threaded through them. The prepared strips are strung on the mesh, forming the finished product.
From such a fur fabric, you can make fur trims on coats, jackets, jackets, as well as decorate the edges of a shawl, elegant evening wear and even a veil. A fur thread for a fringe can be made from the skin remaining after cutting, because a good owner will not lose anything.
The best fur in terms of both beauty and economy of production is sheared beaver fur.Yes, he is heavy, but undeniably beautiful and durable, and he is not afraid of any bad weather. It was from him that Paula Lishman knitted her first products.
Products made from nutria and ferret fur look good. From mink fur, products are extremely beautiful, thanks to the shine of the guard hair, thick underfur, plastic leather fabric and high wear resistance. In any weather, a mink hat looks great, and a mink stole will adorn any evening outfit. However, making a product with mink fur requires special attention and calculation of the length of the fur thread, otherwise the surface of the canvas will turn out to be uneven, this is the whole difficulty.
For fur weaving products, rabbit fur is most often used today. An even thick underfur creates a pleasant appearance, and the low cost allows a wider range of consumers to purchase such products. But in such inexpensive hats there is a minus - firstly, low wear resistance, secondly, after you get caught in rain or snow, you risk getting a crow's nest on your head, as the fur sticks together and lies.
Despite all the disadvantages, these hats quickly "fly away" from the store. Girls do not think about the low wear resistance of fur, because the hats are so beautiful, and after a year you can buy more and more, fashion does not stand still, but life goes on, and the future seems distant and boundless.