Audrey Hepburn's style is a teenage girl's style.
In female beauty, Audrey Hepburn (1929 - 1993) saw not only external beauty - the beauty of the face, figure, clothes, hairstyle, but also the beauty of the soul. This is probably why, when Elle magazine, together with Evian, conducted a survey among journalists, photographers, designers and makeup specialists for the title of a world beauty, Audrey Hepburn unconditionally topped the list of superbeauties. And this list, provided by the jury, consisted of 100 applicants. Of these, a third were blondes, one fifth are red-haired, the rest are brunettes. The task before the experts of female beauty was not an easy one - they had to choose the most beautiful woman, taking into account not only the external, and natural beauty, but also the internal - the beauty of the soul.
Three quarters of those who participated in the poll voted for her candidacy. "Hepburn is the epitome of natural beauty," said Rosie Green, director of Elle magazine.
Audrey Hepburn looked amazingly brilliant even without makeup. Her charm radiated in her face, smile, gracefulness of movements. For the 50s, she was the symbol of a teenage girl from a good family: doe eyes, radiant innocence, graceful femininity and impeccable taste. The famous French writer Collette was able to see in Audrey that unusual talent, which later admired and delighted millions of viewers.
After the films "Sabrina" and "Sweet Face", her style of dress became a role model.
She had a special gift - to present any, even the most simple clothes, as a high creation of fashion. There was even Audrey's style - short bangs, bell skirt, ballet flats. If we talk about the style of Audrey Hepburn, it is worth noting that she always preferred things that were simple in cut and noble in texture: knitted jackets, trousers and pencil skirts made of natural fabrics, turtlenecks. Sometimes they were bell skirts, tastefully trimmed with frills. And of course small black dresstailored for the actress Hubert de Givenchy.
This style will never go out of style as it is a style of elegance and femininity.
She loved to dance, dreamed of becoming a ballerina, while still a girl, she devoted a lot of time and energy to classes at a ballet school. But by the standards of the time, she was too tall for a ballerina.
The figure of Audrey Hepburn was every fashion designer's dream.
In 1954, Audrey met the designer Hubert de Givenchy and became his girlfriend. He was already attracting media attention back then, but since he began dressing the new Hollywood star Audrey Hepburn - both for filming and in private life, his fame has grown.
It was thanks to Audrey that his house gained immense fame, because those who wanted to look like Audrey Hepburn came here. In all her things, the gracefulness of the figure was emphasized. Whatever the dresses - fitted, fitted or uncut dress-shirts of the 60s, her thin waist and legs of the dancer were always in sight.
Cutouts and armholes were cut to enhance her shoulders and swan neck. Audrey and Givenchy jointly created a style that began to be called after her.
From here came their friendship - friendship until death. The little black dress with spaghetti straps, created by him for the film "Sabrina" (1954), has experienced repeated revival since then. Black lace dress - in this dress in 1966 Audrey Hepburn appeared in one of the scenes of the famous film "How to Steal a Million".
For over 40 years, Givenchy has been creating feminine, chic and graceful clothing just for her. In 1957, the fashion house issued a personalized perfume "Audrey Hepburn". The actress has become the embodiment of the style of this house, whose characters on the screen have always been dressed in dresses by Hubert Givenchy.Audrey Hepburn wore all dresses both in life and in the cinema.
Audrey always liked Ballet shoes... And designer Ferragamo created "ballet flats" - for her and for all women who want to combine both grace and convenience.
When Audrey starred in Breakfast at Tiffany's in 1961, the Tiffany & Co jewelry company became world famous. And the owners of the Italian fashion house FENDI considered it an honor to create personalized fur coats for her.
Audrey Hepburn's unique style continues to influence fashion to this day. Audrey knew how to look charming in any outfit, she combined classic simplicity and timeless elegance. Audrey Hepburn's style will never go out of style as well as true femininity.
Her legacy is a large collection of dresses, accessories, shoes.
The British auction house Kerry Taylor, in conjunction with Sotheby's, held an auction at which 40 items of the great actress's wardrobe were exhibited. In total, they managed to bail out 268.3 thousand pounds (approximately 440 thousand dollars). The funds received during the auction were used for charitable purposes for the Audrey Hepburn Children's Fund and the fund of the international organization UNICEF, in which she was for a long time an ambassador.
The famous actress gave her outfits to her friend Tanya Star-Busman, whose friendship lasted for about 15 years. Among those put up for auction were other "movie outfits" of the stars. These are the dresses in which Audrey starred in such films as "Love in the Afternoon", "Two on the Road", "Paris When It's Hot There" and others.
Graceful beauty, kindness of her nature, natural elegance, sincerity, charm are examples to follow.
One of Audrey Hepburn's 10 beauty secrets is that "the beauty of a woman ... is the care that she gives with love."
“Those who look confident, healthy, happy and radiant without makeup are the standard of natural beauty for me,” stated Eleanor Crompton from Hits magazine.
Even those who have not seen a single film in which Audrey starred, at the mere mention of her, an elegant image with radiant eyes rises before their eyes. Her kindness to people, natural elegance, unique style do not cease to influence the souls of people to this day. Audrey is an actress who could warm the hearts of millions of viewers with her smile.
All the church walls were covered with flowers. And by the end of the service, the temple was filled with the smell of burning candles, mixed with the aromas of flowers, which opened their buds from the heat.
The coffin was followed by a crowd, which, out of respect for the customs of burial, remained outside the cemetery. Relatives and those who were officially invited dropped flowers into the grave: roses, lilies, someone whispered a prayer. When they paid the last tribute to the deceased, all those invited went to the memorial reception. Meanwhile, the crowd at the cemetery gates moved towards Audrey's grave. They laid on a fresh grave their own, perhaps not so luxurious flowers, but which testified to their great and sincere love. There were so many of these bouquets that it seemed as if Audrey was buried not in the ground, but in a huge basket of flowers.
Audrey Hepburn Style for Magazine
While working for UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, Audrey Hepburn has traveled to over a hundred countries. She collected money for UNICEF, accompanied humanitarian supplies, even to countries where hostilities took place. Who knows, perhaps what she herself experienced in occupied Holland haunted her, forced her to act and help the unfortunate. She said: “It's a paradox, but in recent years I have been sitting at home because of the children. And now, for the sake of children, I travel all over the world. " Then her knowledge of English, French, German, Italian, Dutch languages was very useful to her. She also spoke a little Spanish. Everywhere she was accompanied by Robert Walders, with whom she had a close friendship until her death. "There is no reason to interfere with our marriage," said Audrey, "but we are very happy without him."
The last film in which she starred - "Always" - a love drama with elements of mysticism. Audrey was supposed to play an angel who meets the soul of a dead pilot.The director did not have a question about choosing an actress for the role of an angel - this actress will be Audrey Hepburn.
On the ribbon of one of the wreaths during Audrey's funeral, there was an inscription: "Now the Lord has another angel."