Black cats have long earned dubious fame. Superstitious people attribute to black cats a connection with the other world. Witches and witches in fairy tales and fantasy films are often depicted with black cats. It is also believed that black cats can attract bad luck and problems. Therefore, Halloween cannot go without the participation of black cats.
We all periodically meet black cats on the street. At the same time, some bypass them and even follow some rules of superstition. When and where did these superstitions appear, why did people become afraid of black cats?
In Europe period Middle ages it was widely believed that the black cat was an assistant to witches and sorcerers. Witches sent black cats to spy on people or turned into kitties themselves. People became afraid of black cats and believed that if a cat crosses the road, he cuts off a person from success and good luck in business, or even draws a line between the world of the dead and the living.
The people did not want to put up with pranksters, it was decided to severely punish everyone. Witches and women, one way or another arousing suspicion, were caught and tortured in order to snatch confessions of witchcraft, and then burn them. At the same time, they did not forget their faithful helpers - cats. Seals were massacred by the most sophisticated methods.
Cats were even judged! The cats were tried, and after the verdict was passed, they were sent to execution, but they were first dressed up in clothes, because the human court was supposed to pass sentences only to people. But black cats, according to the judges, were people - witches and sorcerers who did not want to turn back into humans, so they were dressed and sent to the fire.
In conclusion, it should be noted that it was in Europe, much later than the Middle Ages, in the 18th century, that they believed in vampires! People dug up the dead, pierced them with stakes and melee weapons, burned or drowned them. All this happened at a time when Europe was considered enlightened and civilized.
Over the centuries, countless cats and the most beautiful women were destroyed in Europe, and then historians decided to rewrite history and blamed the church for everything, although in fact the church was only one of the tools. In reality, everyone wanted blood and executions - from kings and feudal lords to the simplest peasants, because when your cow died, you need to find someone to blame and punish, it will become easier on your soul, and besides, you can demand compensation for damage.