Fashion women clothes

Fashionable fur coats 2024

It is now November, somewhere the first snow has already fallen, and, therefore, it's time to look after and put on a warm cloud of wool and natural fur. Therefore, today we will analyze which fur coats you can turn your attention to.

Fashionable fur coats 2024

An interesting trend is a coat with a complex color transition. It comes in two common varieties:

a beautiful gradient - a transition from a dark color to its lighter shades, or vice versa. In this case, the gradient in the coat can be one (transition from dark to light color through the entire length of the product) or several (inserts, fragments or stripes with a gradient). A coat in such a color scheme will surely attract attention and, even, who knows, perhaps, will keep an interested male gaze and give a reason for further acquaintance!

The second option for a complex color scheme is the alternation of contrasts. More often, manufacturers of fur coats use a contrast of dark and light colors or shades of the same color. This option will create a dynamic and fashionable image and will not let the one looking at you get bored of the monotony of what he saw.

Close to the two options listed above is a fur coat with a geometric pattern, well-recognized or repeating patterns. Putting on such a product, you become a little more serious in the eyes of observers. If you want to demonstrate to others your composure, consistency and responsibility - this coat is created just for you.

The style of a short coat of a soft shape or a straight silhouette has become very relevant this year. If you are accustomed to actively moving or traveling in your own car, you may like the freedom and comfort of this cut.

The original idea of ​​the designers is to complement the shiny fur with the shiny fabric of the top of the product. As a rule, for the autumn-winter season, such fabric is treated in a special way to become water-repellent. The very composition of the fabric and its impregnation make the fabric shiny.

However, remember that when making your choice in favor of products in shiny colors, you need to be sure to correlate this with the shape of your body and the features of your figure, because shiny fabrics tend to expand your figure.

Otherwise, a coat in this design will add a touch of drama and mystery to its owner. Let the people around you try to guess who you really are!

Coats with large collars are designed like no others to draw attention to your radiant face. Well, along the way, such a collar can serve a noble purpose - the correction of the features of the figure.

White coats are the color of deep winter, fluffy soft snow and clean frosty air. Through the prism of a white coat, someone will see in you a strict and a little detached woman, and someone - soft and tender. After all, this is exactly what our Russian winter is.

Textured fur coats are the very masterpieces of fur manufacturers, looking at which it is simply impossible not to want to try them on! The most vivid example is the broadtail, which we all know well. But it would seem that you are only looking at the photograph of the product - and already you can practically feel the texture of the wool under your fingers.

The presence of classic coat models on fashionable Olympus remains unchanged. Fitted, under a belt or slightly flared - in the collection of any brand and in any price segment there is always something classic that is most suitable for most women.

Also, speaking of fur, we can safely say that rabbit, fox and mink remain loved by both customers and manufacturers. It is these furs that are used to decorate products and so attract us, women, with their brilliance and pleasant tactile sensations.

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