Beauty standards are highly variable, but a slim waist is prized at almost all times. And today - a figure with a narrow waist like an hourglass is considered the best. Therefore, many girls periodically think about how to make their waist thin at home or with the help of some exercises in the gym ...
I would like to tell you my own experience of how I managed to make the waist 7 centimeters thinner in volume in just 3 months, without the use of destructive diets and exhausting exercises in the gym. And most importantly, it cost me and will cost you completely free!
How to make your waist slim? For me, this question turned out to be very relevant due to the large wardrobe, which at some point turned out to be a little small in the waist area. Rather, it did not happen overnight, but gradually, but the result upset me, because three-quarters of the things did not want to pull on my waist.
It's a shame to own Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Moschino, Balmain, Versace clothes and not be able to wear them. For this, many go to the gym and go on diets, but I wanted to go the other way and first study everything in order to choose the best path for myself.
As a result, I came to the conclusion that there is no need to waste time at the gym and completely give up sweets. You don't have to do hundreds of abs exercises a day while exercising at home. Everything is much easier!
1. The most important thing that helps to make the waist slim is massage. Rather, self-massage. With both hands, I rub and knead my waist in a wide variety of movements. I do this twice a day - in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening before dinner. I spend about 10 minutes in the morning and 5 in the evening on massage.
2. I wear handsome all the time during the day corset belt, which I gradually tighten. At the same time, it is important to note that I do not delay in such a way that it causes inconvenience! In this matter, it is important to have patience, thanks to which in 3 months I made my waist 7 centimeters thinner.
3. The common truth that everyone knows turned out to be important in my case. Almost complete rejection of bread. Now I only allow myself to eat bread in cases of caviar sandwiches. At the same time, I do not refuse sweets and allow myself a chocolate bar or cakes a couple of times a week.
These are all my principles. It is difficult to say what helps the most to make the waist thin, but most likely it is a matter of massage. I see many examples around when the gym and ab exercises do not help at all to make the waist thinner, and I did it in three months.
Excess waist volume is fatty deposits that are very difficult to burn with the help of a variety of exercises and simulators, and an independent massage can be directed to the places where the fat is most, and day after day it will break up fat cells, and with this, the waist volume will also decrease. Only this should be done every day, twice a day, and after achieving the result, do not stop.
Although in general, not everyone will find the coveted centimeters of the waist so easy. Waist size is largely predetermined by heredity and body type. For some girls, the small distance between the ribs and the pelvic bone does not allow them to reach a thin waist, while others have large reserves of fat accumulated over the years.
In such cases, girls turn to experienced trainers who offer them sets of exercises, including exercises for the press and cardio loads, which will melt the fat layer and remove the volume in the waist area. Cardio training actually burns fat, but at the same time it raises the heart rate a lot, thereby overloading the heart.
Cardio load will deplete your heart resource much faster.As a result, a sick heart and possibly a shorter life expectancy will be the price to pay for a narrow waist.
Regarding diets, they are also not as effective as massage. Any effective diet burns fat throughout the body, hence dry skin and deterioration of hair condition. In addition to skin and hair, diet can harm the entire body. Therefore, you just need to lead a measured lifestyle, without much stress and excessive restrictions. In general, stick to the golden mean, and burn fat in the waist with regular massage.