Natural fur in Russia has always been popular and today, despite the changes in climate and consumption, fur hats, fur coats and other products are loved in Russia. Mink fur is especially popular. But hats and fur coats are sewn not only from mink. The muskrat has the same soft and cozy fur, which is very similar to a mink, and not everyone can distinguish a muskrat from a mink hat.
The origin of muskrat fur
The muskrat is a mammal very similar to the common rat, although it is noticeably larger than the gray rat. The weight of an adult animal can reach up to 1.8 kg, but more often muskrats weigh 1-1.5 kg, body length - 23 - 36 cm. The tail is about the same as the body length - 18 - 28 cm. The fur of the muskrat is thick, lush and dense. The animal loves to preen itself - it constantly monitors its fur, combs it and lubricates it with fatty secretions.
The muskrat leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle. The blood of the muskrat has a high content of hemoglobin, due to which additional reserves of oxygen are created in its body, which allows it to immerse itself in water.
The homeland of the muskrat is considered to be the shores of reservoirs and swamps of North America. The animals were brought to Europe in 1905. Now their habitat has expanded, muskrats live in Eurasia, Mongolia, China, Korea. In Russia, the muskrat began to settle in 1927 and quickly spread throughout our country.
In the 70-80s of the last century, muskrat breeding in the USSR was very popular. Now this business is not yet flourishing in our country. In central Russia, climatic conditions are similar to those of the motherland of the muskrat, therefore it is a very profitable business to breed these animals in our country. The animals are quite unpretentious and are highly fertile - each pair can bring up to 20 animals in two or three litters per season.
Muskrat in the fashion industry
Many fashion houses purchase muskrat fur only at the Canadian auction, where it is presented with the best and highest quality varieties. Wherever the animals are bred, the fur from North America, the homeland of the muskrat, remains the best and is considered a local attraction.
Furs from Northeastern Canada are sold under the GMVF brand at international fur auctions as exclusive lots. Fur in these areas is a significant part of the economy. Russia has the same climatic conditions. And if earlier the breeding of muskrat was popular, now basically the production of skins is carried out only through hunting for animals, which has recently caused a decrease in the number of individuals.
The best fur is considered to be the fur of muskrats of Yakut reservoirs. Hopefully the farms for breeding this fur animal will be more significant not only in the field of fur production, but also in the country's economy. After all, Russia has the richest fur and fur base.
Properties and qualities of fur
The fur of the muskrat is quite thick, dense and lush, which makes it waterproof, because the animal leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle. The color can be from light beige to dark brown and completely black. The black color is of the greatest value. Muskrat cubs have a dark gray color, from the second month of life they begin to turn brown, by the age of five months a constant color is established. The color of the muskrat depends on the habitat, the age of the animal and the time of year. In summer, the fur brightens.
In terms of wear, the muskrat occupies an average place among all fur species. If the fur of the otter, Kamchatka beaver and wolverine is considered the most durable and is taken as 100%, then the muskrat fur has 45% wear.
All products made of muskrat fur can be sewn very well and with high quality: fur coats, jackets, vests, hats, etc.A muskrat coat can be safely worn for five seasons (for comparison, a mink coat - 10 seasons).
Muskrat fur in products is very similar to mink fur. To distinguish one from the other, you need to know that the mink fur is smoother, softer and more silky. In addition, the mink has a thick undercoat and an even, shiny guard hair. But muskrat fur is beautiful and unique in its own way. Therefore, buyers with an average income may well purchase muskrat fur coats.
The fur of the muskrat is warm and light, beautiful and dense. In a muskrat fur coat, you can get caught in the "accidental rain", and at the same time it will not deteriorate. With good technological processing, fur coats can be worn for more than five seasons - 6-7 seasons.
The dressing of muskrat skins goes through all the same stages as the others. types of furs... Muskrat fur can be dyed, but most often it leaves its natural color. If desired, you can find dyed muskrat products, from pastel to bright colors. Blue and gray shades are very popular in products.
The quality of the fur can be checked as follows: after crumpling, the fur should quickly take its shape, the hairs should not break and change shape. Muskrat fur looks rich and high quality.
In fashion houses, for the manufacture of fur coats, the fur of the Canadian muskrat is most often used. In addition to Canadian muskrat fur coats, which are distinguished by an expensive price, the Czech muskrat fur coats, which are available in Russian stores, have high quality and a fairly reasonable price.
Muskrat fur coats are made from the shortest to the longest. The collar or hood is sometimes made of other fur, which gives the model even more originality and beauty. The designers use both dyed and sheared skins. Interesting and unusual models in which the sheared muskrat is combined with the skin.
Finally, magnificent headdresses are created from muskrat fur. Particularly interesting are the models made of knitted fur, where muskrat fur, in combination with other species, creates a luxurious headdress. The density and density of the fur will effectively protect you from frost and cold winds.
As mentioned above, muskrat fur is very similar to mink fur, and this explains its popularity among buyers. Besides beauty, muskrat fur is practical and very pleasant to the touch. Muskrat products perfectly tolerate wet weather. A fur coat for every woman is the height of luxury, and a muskrat fur coat will confirm this.