
Navel Piercing Earrings & Puncture Care

It is possible to disapprove of belly button piercings, but wear earrings. Only this little hypocrisy. Why can you wear diamonds in your ears but not in your navel? If you condemn navel piercing, then take off your earrings too.

Belly button piercing is a surgical procedure and requires a responsible approach. This manipulation should be carried out by a trained specialist, strictly observing the conditions of sterility and anatomical features in the area of ​​the puncture.

Navel piercing earring

Advantages and disadvantages of navel piercing

One of the sexiest and most attractive body jewelry is undoubtedly the belly button piercing. It gives a special charm and personality, emphasizes beauty and adds self-confidence.

The tradition of wearing precious jewelry in the navel originated in Ancient egypt... At that time, rich people used piercings to emphasize their belonging to high society. Now everyone has such an opportunity, even the poorest girls from disadvantaged families.

However, it should be remembered that after a puncture, the wound channel painfully heals for at least 3-6 months. This is due to the structural features of the navel. It contains a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms, including pathogens.

When worn, clothing comes into contact with the piercing area, irritating and injuring the skin. Therefore, inflammation often occurs at the puncture site, which in rare cases can be complicated by infection of the abdominal organs and sepsis.

Navel piercing earring

In the first period after a puncture, it is necessary to properly care for the wound, limit some types of activity, and wear comfortable clothes. In the first month after the puncture, it is not recommended to visit the gym, pool, sauna. You cannot swim in open water, sunbathe on the beach and in the solarium. Loose clothes made from natural materials should be worn, the belt of trousers and skirts should be below the waist.

Based on these restrictions, the conclusion suggests itself that the best time to pierce the navel is autumn and the beginning of winter.

Types of jewelry for navel piercing

Belly button earrings are divided into two types:

- primary;
- secondary.

For primary piercing, earrings made of hypoallergenic material with high biological compatibility are used. Usually it is an alloy of gold and titanium, niobium, less often - plastic. These accessories are worn until the wound is completely healed within a few months.

The size is selected strictly individually, depending on the anatomy of the navel, the size of the abdomen, personal preferences and is 6-12 mm. The shape of the primary earrings can be in the form of a "bar" or a ring with a ball clasp.

Once the puncture site has healed, jewelry made from silver, gold, or medical steel can be used. The design of these earrings will satisfy the taste of any girl - with pendants of various shapes, precious and semi-precious stones, chains at the waist.

Gold earrings and diamonds for navel piercing

Do not use earrings made of metals that are prone to oxidation, because this can lead to allergic reactions, inflammation and pigmentation of the skin on the abdomen. recommends buying 750 gold earrings, they meet all the requirements in the best way. And if you want to really shine, choose a piece with a diamond.

Navel Puncture Care

If the piercing is made with high quality in conditions of complete sterility, healing will take place faster, but in any case, some care rules should be followed.

1. Wash your hands every time before touching the pierced skin or belly button jewelry.

2. Rinsing the puncture site. This is where opinions are divided. Some experts argue that there is no need for special products and that antibacterial soap or neutral shampoo is enough.Others advise using Miramistin, which can be used to wash the puncture site and apply compresses.

3. Use cotton pads or paper towels to wipe the area of ​​your navel puncture.

4. Change bed linen and towels frequently.

5. Wipe the puncture site every time you sweat.

6. Jewelry care. The jewelry should always be clean, so do not touch or play with the belly button jewelry.

7. Choose comfortable clothing and underwear to avoid chafing your piercing.

Gold earrings and diamonds for navel piercing

A healed puncture must be washed daily during a hygienic shower, moving the earring to remove sweat, sebum and loose skin particles. Before changing the jewelry, you should treat it and your hands with a disinfectant solution.

It turns out a lot of rules, so think about it, maybe it makes no sense to do a navel piercing, and gold rings, chains, bracelets and diamond earrings in your ears?

Gold earrings and diamonds for navel piercing
navel piercing earrings
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