In the modern world, people are increasingly getting tattoos for themselves. At the same time, each person has a different goal: for some it is a way of self-expression, for others it is an opportunity to express their thoughts with the help of “art on the body”, and for some it is a challenge to society.
After all, even now we can see social disapproval of such a phenomenon as a tattoo. Why does society disapprove of tattoos? There are various prerequisites for this, and I have already talked about this more than once.
Our current goal is to answer important questions, provide a clear plan-guide for organizing the first tattoo, and also help in choosing the design of the first tattoo.
The first tattoo is making a decision
Almost everyone strives to set goals for themselves and achieve them. However, life always teaches humanity that only setting the right goals is the right path to success.
In the case of a tattoo, it is important to understand that this is a serious decision, and everyone should be aware of the full responsibility of this step. In addition, hasty decisions can lead to the fact that the client will be unhappy with his choice of a tattoo, which is done for life.
Therefore, it is best to track down when the wrong decision, to get the first tattoo, can lead to disappointment.
Situation 1. Sasha is dating a beautiful girl Sveta. On the day when their relationship was one month old, Sasha decided to make Sveta an excellent gift, in his opinion. He thought that a tattoo on his wrist with the name of his beloved in a heart would be an excellent foundation for a successful relationship, and Sveta would surely like it.
The most commonplace situation that often occurs. After all, we will never know what will happen next, and Sasha's mistake is that the relationship can end at any moment, and the tattoo will remain.
This applies not only to relationships, but also to other aspects of our life. Many people like to capture something that can be fleeting and soon fade away. Various heroes of comics, TV shows, films can lose popularity at any time.
Situation 2. Catherine considers herself a very mysterious girl. To emphasize her mystery, she decides to get a tattoo-phrase in an unknown language. Which one to choose?
Katya liked Chinese more. Not understanding what these incomprehensible hieroglyphs could mean, she decided to get a tattoo. Soon, her friends learned the translation of this phrase and made fun of it.
And again, the point is not only that a phrase in a language we do not understand can be vulgar, rude or stupid and meaningless. Often people put drawings, pictures, the meaning of which they do not understand. It is important.
There are a lot of such situations. It is important to remember: there is no need to rush anywhere. Better to take the time to think and weigh the pros and cons. Responsibility is above all!
Dangers and consequences of tattooing
Making a decision is not enough. Tattooing must be approached with all care and responsibility. Unfortunately, a frivolous approach to such a difficult event as tattoos can cause infections, allergies, HIV, etc.
Therefore, it is very important to remember that health is the most precious thing there is, and you cannot buy it anywhere.
By law, people under 18 years of age cannot be tattooed without parental consent. In addition, children often do not know what they want, there is still a risk that with age the teenager will grow up a little more and the tattoo will be deformed.
It is important to take the organization as seriously as possible. You shouldn't save money and use cheap services. Contact skilled professionals who have extensive experience, conditions, a high-quality machine, the best paints and authority in their field.
How to choose a tattoo?
As already mentioned, hasty decisions in this matter can be frustrating. Therefore, when choosing an image for the body, it is necessary to answer the questions: why do you need a tattoo? What needs to be shown by this? What images come to mind?
Here, as they say, you can give free rein to your imagination. A good, experienced tattoo artist will be able to get the job done right away. The main thing is to keep a clear image in your head.
It is very important to know the meaning of tattoos, therefore it is necessary to find out the meaning and history of the images. You can't just take a drawing from ancient frescoes or a mummy and apply it simply because you liked it and became a source of inspiration.
What part of the body to get the tattoo on?
The most common places for tattoos are the back, chest, abdomen, arms and legs. To choose a place for tattoos, you must clearly define the image. You can't get a rhinoceros tattoo on your wrist, unless, of course, your goal is to make it look like Otto's cartoon rhino.
It is also important to remember that the areas of the body are different in men and women, and the pain threshold is different for each person. So, tattooing on the chest for women is much more painful than for men.
When choosing a place for a tattoo, remember that over time, some parts of the body change more than others, and the pattern will deform.
This is especially true for girls who have children in their plans. During pregnancy, the skin can stretch not only on the stomach, because during this period, many gain weight, then lose a lot. As a result, a beautiful tattoo may lose its original appearance and will have to be hidden or displayed.
If you want to decorate intimate places, remember that this is a more painful procedure. The main advantage of such tattoos is their secrecy from prying eyes.
The best tattoos in terms of aesthetics and body beauty are those that hide scars. It is only important to remember that it is possible to fill a tattoo over a scar long after its appearance. It is desirable not less than a year.
But it's not just scars that haunt us. Sometimes large moles and birthmarks don't look good. In such cases, they come up with tattoos that go around the contours of the mole, making it part of the drawing. Although there may be a risk in such drawings, because large moles and birthmarks can degenerate into malignant tumors.
Choosing a tattoo artist
The master is of great importance. The best option would be an acquaintance, a trusted person who has worked with your friends and has positive feedback on the work done.
If your friends cannot recommend a trusted master, take a look at the best tattoo parlors. There is a lot of information on the Internet dedicated to tattoos, just do not rush to entrust yourself to the hands of the master after reading a couple of rave reviews.
Any organization, a private entrepreneur, artist and tattoo artist, can safely order positive reviews.
There are special sites where the tattoo artist will find many people willing to write the most laudatory reviews for a modest reward. Therefore, take your time with the choice.
In the salon or other place where the tattoo artist works, it is important to discuss all the details and consult with him. If the master is experienced, he will definitely give reasonable advice, help to decide and understand perfectly.
Before starting the tattooing process, read the entire sequence. It is important that at all stages everything is clean, sterile and professional!
The tattoo is done.
Now the stage of courting her begins. From now on, a tattoo is a part of the body, and it is important to keep an eye on it. A good tattoo artist will give all the recommendations for the first time so that the drawing merges with your skin as quickly and accurately as possible, without any deformations and losses.
The tattoo will heal completely within two weeks. After that, you need to carefully examine the drawing. Perhaps in some places the paint has disappeared for one reason or another. In this case, you will have to visit the wizard again to correct the drawing, which the wizard does for free.
Over time, adjustments will probably be needed again, because everything changes - our body and drawing.
Today everyone strive for individuality, and a tattoo is considered one of the clearest signs of individuality. But in fact, this is a very dubious way to emphasize your own uniqueness, because any tattoo can be repeated on other people.