In special shops you can find goods for Muslims, including dolls. A Muslim doll wears a headscarf and a long dress - a hijab according to all Sharia norms.
Doll in dress abaya will be a good gift for a girl from a family where religion has not yet been forgotten, and at the same time they calmly relate to photography and other images of the human image. Some fanatical believers do not recognize photography and dolls with a face, so their children play with rag dolls without a face.
But not only special dolls can comply with the norms of Islamic and Christian morality. Barbie accepts any images, she can change the color of her hair and eyes, appears before us in different nationalities and enters the role of celebrities. Therefore, Barbie could not pass by religious themes.
Religion has influenced life, traditions and culture in all countries of the world for millennia. In the 21st century, many proudly call themselves atheists, but most people still believe in the spirit world and God. Therefore, it is surprising that finding a doll in traditional Islamic or Orthodox clothes is not so easy.
The presented dolls clearly demonstrate how the clothes of women from the Islamic world harmoniously fit into the dolls' images. Such a doll does not have to bear the name Barbie and be made by the company. Mattel... Any doll can be dressed up in a long dress or a floor-length skirt and a long-sleeved blouse.
Let's hope for the imminent appearance of beautiful dolls in Orthodox images, because in fact the image of an Orthodox woman differs from a Muslim woman in greater freedom and does not oblige her to wear a headscarf outside the church. It is enough to dress the doll in more closed dresses with sleeves and not forget about the length of the skirt.
Although why hope and wait, if today you can start dressing up your dolls and creating photo shoots, because there are already too many dolls in the Gothic style and sexy dolls. It's time to turn your attention to chaste beauty!