If you are confused by a purple wedding dress, remember the story. The brides' outfits were constantly changing. The dresses were of bright colors, lush and tight-fitting, with high waists and lowered ones. At all times until the beginning of the 19th century, brides loved bright dresses, and they could only dream of purple.
White dresses symbolize innocence, chastity and purity, but these qualities are little appreciated in the 21st century. Today people do not hesitate to live in a civil marriage, and sometimes even a guest marriage with different partners. Therefore, it is strange to be embarrassed by a purple wedding dress. The main thing is that you like this color and match the color type of your appearance.
With the right shade, purple suitable for girls with any type of appearance and body structure. But best of all, this mystical color suits dark-skinned girls with dark hair. They can choose a dress of any purple shades.
Purple slims, which means that the purple dress will disguise unnecessarily full places and make the bride more slender. Purple is a very mysterious and majestic color, it was often present in the outfits of kings and clergy.
In addition to the psychological and spiritual components of color, purple for many centuries remained the most expensive color in clothing. For a long time, people could not find affordable dyes, and this contributed to the very high cost of purple fabrics. Now every girl can afford a purple wedding dress.
If you cannot decide on such a bright wedding dress, take a closer look at dresses that combine traditional white and shades of purple, lavender, lilac ...