Dark Princesses and fairy-tale worlds in Viona's photographs

Most people lose the ability to dream by the time they graduate from school, and as they age, they also lose the makings of creativity. They think that in adulthood there is no place for dreams, but this is a big mistake, because any inventions and achievements are initially born in dreams.

Although today does not want to teach anyone the principles of success and instruct in life, for this there are other sites, such as Lifehacker. I would like to share some really beautiful work by Viona Iielegems. The photographer has been photographing fairy-tale worlds for over 10 years and wants to inspire other photographers, designers and costume designers with his work.

Over the years, these chic photographs have inspired many creative people, including in the fashion industry. Let's look at the photos and remember the fashion shows of recent years, maybe we will find a lot in common ...

Dark Princesses and fairy-tale worlds in Viona's photographs
Viona website -

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