The preppy style of clothing begins in the late 1940s and early 1950s. among young people from wealthy families who strive to get a good education at prestigious Ivy League universities. Preppy (from the English preparatory - preliminary) literally means "graduate of a private high school."
Striving to study at prestigious universities, they carefully followed not only grades, but also their appearance, health and manners, went in for sports, appreciated family traditions and knew etiquette very well. Thanks to this, the preppy style has become not only a clothing style, but a lifestyle and even a whole subculture.
Therefore, the preppy style has many historical associations and does not lose its relevance today. A student in the preppy style will look advantageous against the background of average girls, and this will certainly have a positive effect on her studies and relationships with others.
Initially, the distinctive features of the preppy style were high quality natural fabrics, simple cut, good fit. At the same time, the style excluded excessiveness and frankness. If makeup - then simple, if the hairstyles are well-groomed hair, styled with ribbons, headbands and graceful hairpins, and if the jewelry is extremely expensive and at the same time laconic.
It is not for nothing that the preppy style is called the style of success, because it is distinguished by a stable life position - respect for etiquette and people around, self-confidence, respect for traditions and good manners. This is not pathos and shocking, but naturalness and accuracy in everything.
After the 1980s, the preppy style in clothing ceases to be the privilege of the young generation from high society, but does not disappear, but periodically appears in the collections of fashion brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, Burberry, Lacoste, Hermes and others.
Creating a preppy look, we take the very best from business style, school uniforms and sportsmen's uniforms. For example, vests, polos, sweaters and blazers can be paired with comfortable shorts, chinos, and pleated skirts. Do not forget about layering and a combination of different textures and colors.
The first thing the preppy style is associated with is the university and the intelligent representatives of the student community. But now, preppy looks are great not only for study and exams, but also for going to the office. And thanks to its historical associations, the preppy style in clothing can play the role of a talisman that will help you pass an interview and conquer any peaks.
Finally, we will repeat the main ideas of the preppy style.
When choosing a preppy style, one must remember that any style of clothing must be in harmony with our inner world, only then we will get the perfect image.Although it is not at all necessary to strictly follow all the rules of the style. Modern fashion teaches us to maintain our own individuality.
Therefore, you can make a wide variety of changes and ideas, for example, you can add high-heeled shoes - similar examples can be seen in the photo below ...