Fashion world

The harmful influence of celebrities and Anna Wintour on fashion

Nowadays it is not easy to imagine the fashion industry without celebrities, fashion has become a part of show business and celebrities. But how useful are they to fashion? Initially, the first couturiers, back in the 19th century, wanted to make friends with empresses and aristocrats in order to dress them and thereby advertise for themselves.

Then the designers began to strive to dress actresses and singers, which was also justified. But in those distant times, all these celebrities did not create their own collections and did not arrange collaborations with fashion brands. They only bought or accepted beautiful things as a gift and set an example for consumers by demonstrating these things.

Everything changed with the arrival of Anna Wintour. This woman has done more harm than good to the fashion world, she has made the fashion industry a part of celebrities and promoted dubious American design to the masses. Now literally every singer produces her own fragrances, someone makes linen, clothes, cosmetics and accessories.

The pernicious influence of celebrities on fashion

Many celebrity products sell well, but what does the celebrity have to do with their creation? Do all these singers create perfumery and come up with a fashion design? Not at all, other people are engaged in this, and the star only puts his name on the final product, which often does not stand out in any other way among the goods of the mass market level.

As a result, consumers are forced to pay more simply for the name of a star. Therefore, celebrities in fashion benefit exclusively themselves and the business, not the consumer and the fashion itself. In addition, the level of celebrities themselves has been falling from year to year lately.

Therefore, real designers hate Anna Wintour, and wish her to burn in hell, because thanks to her work, people buy all the trash promoted by celebrities, and good quality things simply do not notice. As a result, many talented designers go bankrupt and are forced to work for an owner who completely dictates what to do.

The pernicious influence of celebrities on fashion
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