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The most beautiful and desirable school uniform

V Soviet time all schoolchildren were forced to wear the same school uniform, but then came permissiveness and complete chaos, which they called freedom. Therefore, the form has gone into oblivion and is only now being reborn. Only now there is no uniform school uniform that is compulsory for all schools in the country or city, and here its pros and cons are hidden.

If you look at modern schoolgirls, you can see how the uniforms are different. In some schools, girls wear plaid skirts and knee-highs, just like in Japanese schools. Other schools have uniforms similar to those of the Soviet era. The modern school uniform differs in different educational institutions, and in addition, many schools have their own distinctions.

Many times I have met girls and boys with stripes on the sleeves or on the chest, where the name of the school is indicated and even the coat of arms flaunts. Such insignia can very well contribute to the desire of students to wear their uniforms with pleasure.

school uniform
school uniform

When the school uniform was the same in all schools, this made us part of the crowd, from which it was possible to stand out only by knowledge, participation in school competitions and external beauty, given by nature, and this can show off very rare girls and boys. Now that the uniforms are different and are decorated with patches, many schoolgirls can take special pleasure in putting on their uniforms if they are in a good school.

Most people want to be proud and vain from childhood. Therefore, the form of an elite school or a private educational institution will become a source of pride, because it distinguishes from the crowd and immediately puts it on a step above the rest of the students. It is very nice to feel like a part of the aristocracy or other elite. The division of people has its drawbacks, but there are also advantages - parents will try with all their might to arrange their children in a good school, and reasonable children will value this and learn better.

At the same time, within the framework of one school, a beautiful and stylish uniform erases the visual difference between children from families with different incomes, which means that each schoolgirl will feel more confident. Girls will not have to worry that they cannot compete with a classmate who, already at school age, can change outfits every day.

The most beautiful school uniform
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Putting on a school uniform, students are psychologically better tuned to study. Of course, this does not apply to everyone, many do not want to study at all, but even if the school uniform stimulates 5-10% of students to study, it is fully justified.

In addition, the beautiful school uniform is to some extent associated with the form of various organizations and structures of adult life. Thanks to this, schoolgirls and schoolchildren can feel more mature, they have not only internal, but also external readiness to learn.

The most beautiful school uniform
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The most beautiful school uniform
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